Automatic rod magnetic separator ERGA SMVA

Price from: $ 1

Automatic rod separator ERGA CMVA with a rotating magnetic system is built into a gravity pipe of circular or rectangular cross-section and ensures continuous removal of metal impurities from products prone to sticking. product, destruction of lumps, no blockages in the flow section of the separator and high efficiency of cleaning from magnetic inclusions • Automatic cleaning with programmable frequency Continuous cleaning from magnetic impurities is carried out without stopping the product supply and does not require personnel. The cleaning interval is set individually in accordance with the technological requirements. Rows of magnetic rods are alternately removed outside the flow section of the separator. The extracted magnetic impurities are discharged into the branch pipe. • Quality assurance of the final product. Self-cleaning rod separator ERGA SMVA with a powerful rotating magnetic system allows to increase the production of quality products, excluding defects and complaints, confirming the reputation of a reliable partner and manufacturer, complying with high requirements to the quality management system. • Automation Equipment with a continuous cleaning system allows you to automate production, eliminating the human factor, a downtime line for equipment maintenance and associated costs. … All required certificates are included in the package.

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Product value

6,19 м3

Product length

1540 мм

Product width

670 см

Product height

600 мм