diffusers for lamps
Price from: $ 1
Polystyrene, monolithic polycarbonate and acrylic glass Novattro opal and Novattro Prism with corrugated prism surface have uniform light diffusion, high light transmittance and durability. This makes Novattro Prism sheets a unique material for the production of modern durable LED lighting fixtures, as well as for the creation of non-standard designer exterior and interior solutions. http: //safplast.ru Addresses of dealers in your city: http://safplast.ru/buy/ Manufacturer's contact: SafPlast LLC, Russia, Tatarstan, Vysokogorsky district, highway M-7, 806 km. (2 km south of the village of Makarovka), tel. (843) 233-05-33, e-mail: [email protected]
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Product value | 0,01 м3 |
Product length | 2,05 м |
Product width | 3,05 м |
Product height | 1 мм |
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