Drum magnetic separator ERGA KBSM

Price from: $ 1

Conveyor magnetic iron separator KBSM, equipped with a drive magnetic drum, provides continuous high-quality extraction of highly magnetic inclusions of various sizes from the flow of bulk raw materials. a magnetic drum as part of a belt conveyor with magnetic induction on the surface of the conveyor belt up to 0.3 T (up to 3,000 Gs) allows you to obtain a high-quality marketable product when processing slag dumps and scrap of ferrous metals with a size of up to 300 mm, cleaning raw materials from hardware, random iron or crushed tires from the cord. KBSM protects the crusher and shredder from breakages and premature wear. o improves the quality of the products obtained and the separation efficiency. The long-range action of the magnetic field guarantees the extraction of magnetic inclusions with a particle size of up to 300 mm. • Automatic cleaning. separators ensure its operability in a wide temperature range from -50 ° C to + 130 ° C. KBSM ensures efficient operation in all weather conditions, indoors and outdoors. • High energy efficiency Minimum energy consumption required to drive the conveyor. No power consumption is required to generate a magnetic field. The guaranteed shelf life of the properties of the magnetic system, subject to the rules of operation, is 10 years. • Work with abrasive materials. The working surface of the separator is made of durable chrome-nickel steel, resistant to abrasion. separators do not cause difficulties: the equipment has two supporting surfaces, small overall dimensions and weight. The product has a simple and reliable design, does not require maintenance, all materials and components are tested by long-term work with our customers. Compliance with the operating conditions described in the passport significantly extends its service life.

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Product value

45,60 м3

Product length

4890 мм

Product width

2561 мм

Product height

3641 мм