Gas treatment point (PPG, BPPG)

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TU 3698-012-55402257–2010 Permission for use No. РРС 00-04-11 000 356 Application area of PPG Gas treatment station (hereinafter referred to as PPG) is intended for purification, metering and uninterrupted supply of purified natural gas to booster compressor units, gas purification for gas turbine units ( GTU), during the construction of combined cycle gas turbines (CCGT) – BPPG, as well as at compressor stations to provide fuel, starting and impulse gas for compressor shops with gas turbine gas compressor units and auxiliary power plants with a gas turbine drive. as well as compressor stations (CS). The final configuration and the number of blocks and assemblies are determined by the terms of reference. The technological equipment of the PPG provides a high degree of gas purification (2-5 microns), complete removal of liquid fractions, automatic discharge of condensate into the tank, commercial metering of gas consumption, including the use of ultrasonic four-beam flow meters, measuring the quality indicators of the supplied natural gas using chromatographs and gas calorimeters. The process flow diagram of the PPG is made with 100% redundancy of the main process equipment and is equipped with shut-off valves with the possibility of remote or automatic control of the technological process. In case of emergencies, the process flow diagram of the BCP allows to close the inlet and outlet pipelines and automatically discharge the gas through the spark plug, thereby ensuring a high degree of protection for the entire gas-using complex. The BCP is equipped with an automatic fire extinguishing system, a gas control system and a fire alarm. All technological units have forced ventilation. The automated control system of the ACS TP PPG is made on the basis of Siemens components based on the Simatic S7-1200 and S7-300 controllers; remote control of valves and other technological equipment; control of unauthorized entry into the BCP; control of gas contamination in the premises of the BCP; control of the security and fire alarm system; output of information about the state of equipment and the technological process to the operator panel; automatic activation of exhaust fans and warning light and sound alarms when the permissible concentration of flammable gases increases; automatic reset condensate from filters to the condensate collection tank; automatic cut-off of gas supply to boilers when the permissible concentration of combustible gases is exceeded; maintaining archives of technological information, preparing and printing summaries and reports; transferring technological parameters, information on gas consumption and warning and alarms to the control room through channels of a dedicated line, telephone line, GSM, etc. In the input-accounting cabinet there is an uninterruptible power supply with gel batteries, which ensures the operation of the ACS TP (in the event of a loss of external power supply) for 48 hours. Information about the loss of external power supply, the current level of battery charge, the reading of the electric meter is sent through the ACS TP to the control center. Composition of the product: gas purification unit (unit); unit (unit) for commercial metering of gas consumption (according to the technical assignment, measurement of gas quality indicators); automated control system of ACS TP and instrumentation and control devices.

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