Lingonberry Zvar 500ml

Price from: $ 1

Zvar is a ready-to-drink drink, it contains natural juices and Stolbushinsky sbiten. Stolbushinsky juices of direct extraction from apples grown in Pushkinogorsk orchards and berries collected in the forests of the Pskov region are used. All components are prepared and processed without adding preservatives, dyes , sugar and water. Traditionally in Russia, they prepared vzvars or (uzvars): these are drinks that were prepared from fresh or dry fruits, or berries and water. It differs from the usual compote in that there is no long cooking process: fruits and berries are simply “brewed ". quenches thirst

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Product value

0,00 м3

Product length

55 мм

Product width

55 мм

Product height

260 мм