Ultrasonic liquid meter Pramer-510

Price from: $ 331

The device allows you to measure the flow, both in the forward and in the reverse direction of flow in pipelines with a diameter of up to 2000mm. The Pramer-510 includes up to two measuring sections (IU), an electronic conversion unit (BEP) and communication lines up to 150 m long. They are used to measure the volume of liquids flow in pressure pipelines (water, industrial oil, sewage, formation water, etc.). Du IU counters: 40; fifty; 65; 80; 100; 125; 150; 200; 250; 300; 300 ÷ 2000 mm. Warranty – 4 years.

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Product value

0,00 м3

Product length

200 мм

Product width

150 мм

Product height

150 мм

Product SKU
