UMK-24S (UMK-2KM, UMK-TK) universal multi-turn folding mount

Price from: $ 5

UMK-24S (UMK-TK; UMK-2KM, shoe) folding mount, designed for fixing wheeled vehicles on railway platforms weighing no more than 24 tons. When transporting civilian equipment, be guided by the TU Ministry of Railways No. TSM-943 dated 05/27/2003. CHAPTER 7. When transporting military equipment, be guided by the ORDER OF THE MINISTER OF DEFENSE OF THE USSR 1983 №180; INSTRUCTIONS for the transport of troops 1985; TU MPS No. TSM-943 dated 27.05.2003. CHAPTER 7. After installation on the stops, the technique must be fixed with guy wires.

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Product value

0,50 м3

Product length

0,50 м

Product width

0,50 м

Product height

0,50 м