Analysis of the export market of goods

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The analysis of the export market of goods is carried out on the basis of the current data of customs statistics. The structure of the report on the analysis of export sales: – Analytical information on the state of the foreign trade market (its volumes, the main participating companies and their shares). – The list of Russian exporters (volumes, market shares); – List of manufacturing companies (volumes, market shares); – List of Russian regions – suppliers (volumes, market shares); – List of foreign companies – buyers (volumes, market shares); – Analytical table of buyers' preferences (manufacturer, exporter, recipient goods, address, country, description of goods, TN VED code, contract price, volume, delivery date, currency, etc.); – Dynamics of deliveries in monetary terms (USD); – Dynamics of deliveries in kind; – Decoding of delivery terms Incoterms. —– Analysis of the export market helps companies: – To identify the most demanded assortment by article / model; – To determine the market size and shares of the main participants with an accuracy 1 $ according to the description of the goods / HS code; – Calculate the best partner and the optimal price from the total volume of goods supplies; – Monitor the actions of each competitor on the market .—– The price for research is set depending on the number of supplies in the commodity market. To clarify the cost of analyzing the export market for your goods, contact the manager.

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