Healing cream universal

Price from: $ 4

INGREDIENTS: distilled water, shea butter, isoamyl laurate, isoamyl cocoate, vegetable glycerin, apricot kernel oil, d-panthenol, glyceryl stearate citrate, pumpkin oil, glyceryl citrate / linoleate / oleate, oat beta-glucan, wheat gi protein , neroli essential oil, chamomile essential oil, magnolia extract, chamomile extract, sage extract, amaranth extract, xanthan gum.INCI: Aqua, Butyrospermium Parkii (Shea) Butter, Isoamyl Laurate, Isoamyl Cocoate, oil Glicerin, Prunus armenia Glyceryl stearate citrate, Pumpkin seed oil, Gliceril citrate, Lactate, Linoleate, Oleate, beta-glucans, Wheat protein, Geranium essential oil, Citrus aurantium essential oil, Chamomilla recutita essential oil, Magnolia extract, Matricaria chamomilla extract, Salvia officinalis extract, Amaranthus cruentus extract, Xantan gum. Universal Healing Cream with SHEA BUTTER accelerates the healing of wounds, burns, cuts and other skin injuries. NEROLI ESSENTIAL OIL improves tissue regeneration, relieves inflammation and redness. AMARANTH EXTRACT softens the skin, improves the healing and restoration of the skin. METHOD OF APPLICATION: Apply the cream to damaged skin areas, distribute with massage movements until completely absorbed. Apply every 2-4 hours. STORAGE CONDITIONS: Store at temperatures from +5 to + 25 g. PACKAGING: 50 ± 5 ml SHELF LIFE: 1 year. Store for 3 months after opening

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0,00 м3

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0,06 м

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0,06 м

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