Liquid soap for before / after milking and hooves

Price from: $ 1

The pre / post milking and hoof liquid soap was created after numerous farm inquiries. As an alternative to synthetics and chemistry. The soap is based on natural fat, which we melt ourselves. Hence, it is natural, hypoallergenic, biodegradable, without a pungent odor. Our product is cooked hot, preserving all vitamins contained in fat and preserving its natural glycerin. In some cases, mastitis decreases. You can work without gloves, masks. Liquid soap has a cumulative effect. The soap film created forms a physically protective layer. Those. Specifications The pre-milking liquid soap is a safe product that can be diluted up to 20 times for a milder effect. The post-milking liquid soap requires a more complex process and is therefore a ready-to-use product. A food thickener, food coloring is used. To check for processing. The liquid hoof soap penetrates, washes out, protects and heals. Can be diluted up to 10 times. As long as there is soap in the barrier, liquid hoof soap works. Significant savings.

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Product value

1 м3

Product length

1 м

Product width

1 м

Product height

1 м