Vietnamese Cashew Nuts Kernels SW

Price from: $ 1

. We are representatives for many direct exporters/processors. We would like to connect with international cashew buyers.

We can supply in Bulk quantity, regular shipment

– Viet Nam cashew kernel: WW240, WW320, WW450, WS, LP, SP, SW320, SW240, LBW. BB, LWP, cashew powder etc

Our policy to guarantee the best quality for every shipment @ very Original Prices, punctual shipment to even the most selective buyers.

For the best quotation, plz kindly contact:


Viber/Whatsapp: +84932736716

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Product width

2,40 м

Product value

62,40 м3

Product SKU

Product length

10 м

Product height

2,60 м


. We are representatives for many direct exporters/processors. We would like to connect with international cashew buyers.

We can supply in Bulk quantity, regular shipment

– Viet Nam cashew kernel: WW240, WW320, WW450, WS, LP, SP, SW320, SW240, LBW. BB, LWP, cashew powder etc

Our policy to guarantee the best quality for every shipment @ very Original Prices, punctual shipment to even the most selective buyers.

For the best quotation, plz kindly contact:


Viber/Whatsapp: +84932736716