Development of magnetic systems for permanent magnet electric motors and generators. Permanent magnet rotors.

Price from: $ 1

The specialists of the VELMA company have developed a unique technology for the production of these complex science-intensive products. The main differences between VELMA magnetic rotors and conventional rotors are the use of magnetic systems based on rare-earth magnets and the use of tires made of various materials – superalloys, titanium alloys and composite materials. The permanent magnet rotor does not have an excitation winding, the rotor poles are set by the orientation of the permanent magnets. The company VELMA produces rotors based on permanent high-energy magnets to order, taking into account the specific features of specific tasks and additional requirements of customers. Rotors based on permanent magnets and magnetoplastics have a number of advantages over similar products: due to the use of permanent magnets, the developed and manufactured products have high performance properties ; the ability to operate in the most severe operating conditions: at elevated temperatures, in a chemically aggressive environment and even in vacuum; the use of permanent magnet rotors allows to simplify the design of motors and reduce the noise generated by them; the use of permanent magnet rotors allows to reduce energy consumption and ensure high performance by efficiency.

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