Electromagnetic vortex water flow EPS sensor

Price from: $ 180

Application: Trade measurement and process control in various industries and municipal engineering. Hot and cold water systems; supply of drinking water, systems of food processing facilities. It can be used as heat meters, flow meters and automated systems for data collection, monitoring and control of technological processes. Nominal diameter (DN): 20 to 300 mm. Main advantages of ENP: – simple design and relatively low cost; – features of metrológicas are sufficient for commercial accounting (accuracy 1-1.5%, dynamic range – 1:50); – battery modification power supply available (battery life – 4 years); – FNU does not use the amplitude of the signal parameters, and this guarantees the stability of the operation. Output signal: pulse rate, current (4-20 mA). Self-powered version: 4 years battery life. Warranty period – 8 years Calibration interval – 4 years Average life span 15 years

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Product value

0,01 м3

Product length

13 см

Product width

25 см

Product height

30 см

Product SKU