Metal, rubber and plastic

36,086 products in DB
Rubber compound 7-57-5005

Working temperature range: From -40 to +145, Hardness: 50-60, Working environment: air, water, weak solutions of acids and alkalis


Concentrate "Em-Eco" – is an analogue of the microbiological preparation "Vostok EM-1" approved for use in accordance with the sanitary-epidemiological conclusion No. 2116 dated 06.05.2003, issued by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation, the Chief State Sanitary Doctor in Moscow. TU 9291-00152420326-2003. It is a complex of specially selected natural anaerobic and aerobic microorganisms of various types, adapted to local conditions and multiplied in the Kumitsky Reactor bioreactor: lactic acid, photosynthetic, nitrogen-fixing bacteria, yeast, actinomycetes, fungi and their metabolic products. Microorganisms are selected taking into account the requirements of the trophic chain and form a symbiotic complex. It is non-toxic in all respects, harmless to humans, animals and birds, side effects and complications are excluded. The preparation uses only natural beneficial microorganisms, which are classified under the general name "EM". APPLICATION OF "VOSTOK EM-1" IN PLANT GROWING (Table – among the images for the product.) Low-fertile soil or depleted soil of greenhouses is filled with organic matter (straw, leaf litter, peat, sawdust, pine bark, husk, etc.) and spilled with a solution ( 1: 100) at the rate of 2 liters per 1 square meter. Soil preparation in the fall, after harvesting, is carried out by irrigating the soil with a working solution (1: 100) with a nutrient medium (add a little something sweet to the solution: old jam, molasses, mashed potatoes from overripe spoiled sweet fruits, waste from a juicer, etc.), followed by surface cultivation of the soil with a hoe, flat cutter or "Strizh" cultivator. (The task is to lightly embed straw, stems and weeds into the soil to accelerate their decomposition and turn into humus. In spring, at temperatures above + 10 ° C, do the same 2 weeks before sowing or planting crops. solution (1: 1000), soaking lasts from 15 minutes to 2 hours (depending on the type of plant and seed size). Effective microorganisms of the drug suppress pathogens on the surface of the seeds, and also decompose the seed coat, accelerating water wetting and germination of the embryo. plants are sprayed with a solution (1: 1000) in order to prevent diseases. For the treatment of seedlings (watering and spraying), a solution (1: 2000) is used. Watering with a working solution is carried out no more than once a week. For root watering of plants, a solution is used (1: 1000) . Plants are watered no more than once a week. The rate of application is 2 liters per 1 square meter. Increasing the safety of root crops during storage: treat the storage room with a solution (1: 100), ventilate. Rinse root crops or spray with a solution (1: 200), dry thoroughly and store). For the preparation of compost, herbal infusions and warm beds, a working solution (1: 100) is used. Indoor plants are sprayed with a working solution (1: 1000). Plants develop faster and better, the number of flower stalks increases. Medical Use 1. For the treatment of fungal diseases of the feet with a solution in a concentration of 1: 100, the affected areas are moistened with a tampon for 10 minutes. Some people use the drug in its pure form, without diluting with water. 2. For the treatment of dysbiosis, take 1 teaspoon of the drug at night 1 time in 1-3 days or 1 tablespoon 1 time per week. As a result, the swelling is relieved, the skin becomes clean, the bowel function is normalized. 3. For the treatment of sinusitis, a solution of the EM drug 1: 100.4 is instilled into the nose. To eliminate inflammation on the skin of an allergic nature, the affected surface of the skin is moistened with a solution of EM-1 1: 100.5. For the treatment of angina and respiratory diseases at an early stage, gargle with undiluted Vostok EM-1 (at least 3 times a day), after the procedure do not eat or drink anything for 2 hours, drink 1 tablespoon of pure EM-preparation once at night .6. In case of poisoning, dilute 1-2 teaspoons of Vostok EM-1 in 100 ml of water and drink. Pain, nausea disappear in 10-15 minutes. 7. The Japanese treat liver diseases by giving patients from 10 to 100 ml of an EM preparation daily. get rid of smoke and pet odors. Chandelier. Spray with solution (1: 1000). The nicotine smell and dust will disappear. They get ticks. Spray with solution (1: 1000) until carpet is damp. It is noticed that after drying the carpets become lighter, cleaner. Curtains. Dust settles on them, they are saturated with smell. Spray with solution (1: 1000) Entrance foot mats. The unpleasant smell will disappear after applying the solution (1: 1000). Glass doors, windows, TV. Spray with a solution (1: 500), wipe, spray again after 10 minutes and wipe. After processing, they become much cleaner.Bed. Spray with solution (1: 1000) until damp. It has been noticed that the bed becomes lighter, and, in addition, it seems that the linen does not need to be washed and ironed. The tick that causes attacks of bronchial asthma disappears. Leather items. After processing, mold on leather things decreases and an unpleasant odor disappears. Fur and suede products, woolen coats, woolen products. Treat 1-2 times with a solution (1: 1000). The pile becomes shiny, and suede products do not shine, woolen coats are renewed. Wall above the slab and other surfaces: spray the solution (1: 200) twice with an interval of 10 minutes and wipe. Microwave: spray the solution inside (1: 500), wipe after 10 minutes. Cutting board: spray with solution (1: 500). Sprinkle the refrigerator with a solution (1: 500) periodically. Sink, wash. Pour the solution (1:10) and do not use them for 12 hours. There will be cleansing from fat deposits, mucus inside the siphons and pipes. Sprinkle the trash can with a solution (1: 500). The mucus and debris smell will disappear. Periodically keep in a solution (1: 200) for 2-3 hours. Knives do not rust and dull less. Bathroom, toilet. Spray the door and walls with a solution (1: 500) twice and wipe. Unpleasant odors disappear, feces are quickly processed and converted into fertilizers. A solution (1:10) with a nutrient medium (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of solution) is used. Repeat the treatment 2 times a month. Solution consumption – 1 liter per 1 cubic meter of feces. Treat the interior of the car with a solution (1: 1000). The amount of dust is significantly reduced.


Preparations of the EKOKLADIN series are a mixture of tolerant microorganisms and cultures of associative fungi adapted for wide use in various soil and climatic zones of an organic carrier capable of maintaining productive health for a long time, the ability to rapidly multiply cellulosolytic properties. The fundamental difference of the preparation is the way microorganisms penetrate into the soil or soil. Fungi and bacteria get into different conditions with their shelter and stocks of products and can in the shortest time produce a large number of beneficial microorganisms that can fight pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria and fungi (fusarium, rust, root rot, etc.). Since microorganisms are protected by the organic base of the drug, the drug can be used both at a favorable time for working with biological products, and at other times, convenient for agricultural work. The drug can be applied by surface spraying, mixed with a variety of granular fertilizers, cereals, legumes, oilseeds, technical, vegetable crops during sowing or feeding. When planting root crops and onion crops, as well as during transplantation, treatment with "Ecocladin" promotes the rapid formation of a favorable environment in various substrates in the root space. straw bales, coconut, bamboo and other organic and inorganic substrates). The cellulosolytic properties of the preparation "Ecocladin" are due to the unique selection of symbiotic mushrooms that have a powerful potential for decomposition of crop residues embedded in the soil and stubble. In addition to breaking down organic residues, inhabited fungi heal the soil and create conditions for the restoration of agrobiocenosis (reproduction of earthworms, insects, etc.) and natural soil fertility. , vegetable, technical, etc.) and their assimilation of nutrients introduced by man and the involvement of plant absorption of substances from the decomposition of crop residues and green manure. Application of a dry preparation is possible with incorporation into the soil or without it. After application, add plenty of water. the bacterium wakes up only in a humid environment. The application rate of the drug is 0.1 kg. for 1 sq. 200 ml can be dissolved. dry matter in 10 liters. preferably non-chlorinated warm water, let it brew for 30-40 minutes. and process the root zone of plants. Watering is desirable in the evening, because bacteria do not like direct exposure to sunlight. "Ecocladin" Made from animal and bird waste (manure or poultry droppings) using a complex of microorganisms and is used for pre-sowing treatment of seeds, seedlings, root dressing as the main organic fertilizer of agricultural and indoor plants, gardening, as well as improving soil fertility. Ichemotroph autotrophs. The producer Azotobacter chroococcum belongs to the genus-aerobic free-living soil bacteria that fix nitrogen in the air and use it as a product of their vital activity. When they decompose in the soil, nutrients available to plants are formed. Depending on the soil and climatic conditions, the volume of nitrogen fixation can reach up to 45 kg and more per hectare. The development of bacteria A. Chroococcum in soil occurs in the range from + 5C to 45C, however, the optimal temperature of nitrogen fixation is in the range of 20C – 40C. In soil bacteria are able to use carbon compounds as a source of energy: mono- and disaccharides, which it oxidizes to carbon dioxide, as well as alcohols, salts of organic and even aromatic acids. is effective for all types of plants. When caring for tea plantations, agronomic techniques are used – this is pruning and rejuvenation of the bushes. The sawn top and trunk parts cover the near-stem part of the bush with a mulch layer, which is favorable conditions for the development of actinomycetes. Actinomycetes accelerate the processing of plant residues (fiber lignin and cutin), converting them into carbon, vitamins, growth stimulants, and also create an aerobic layer that retains moisture well in the soil. Ekocladina bacteria effectively develop in moist soils with the reaction of soil solution pH 4, 8-8, 0

Lots of wax

A batch of NS wax is used as a method, paraffin wax for the production of candles, coincidence, and a saturation feather, for the production of high density fiberboard (due to the addition of moisture protection capabilities). production of candles, coincidence, and the saturation feather of high density fiberboard others

Boiler equipment: steam boilers, hot water boilers, boiler plants

LLC MPVF "Energetik" is a boiler plant, which is a highly specialized company that develops, manufactures and sells a wide range of products that are of high quality production. Reasonable price of the manufactured equipment, its highest quality, as well as convenient and effective warranty and service are the main secrets of the plant's success. Those. specifications LLC "Monastyrischenskaya Production and Implementation Firm" Energetik "is a modern Ukrainian plant of industrial steam boilers with a steam capacity of 0.4-25 t / h and hot water boilers with a capacity of 0.25-180 MW, modular boiler plants TKU and BMVKU, as well as a wide range of auxiliary boiler equipment. LLC "MPVF" Energetik "was founded on November 15, 2000 in the town of Monastyryshche, Cherkasy region. The first products of the plant were boilers of the E1.0–0.9 series. Today the enterprise produces more than 400 types of boiler equipment of various capacities. On the territory of the plant there are 7 workshops with a total area of over 12,000 m². The total number of technological equipment is 274 units, including unique ones. The production employs 264 employees, of which 70 are engineering and technical personnel. For 16 years of work, the company has implemented more than 1000 successful projects. Scientific and technical potential Development and implementation of non-standard equipment into production is carried out under the leadership of the Kiev Engineering Center, which is part of the structure of the enterprise. The division is engaged in the improvement of existing units and products, develops design documentation for customer requirements, performs thermal, aerodynamic, hydraulic calculations and strength calculations, consults clients. labor productivity and product quality. High-precision cutting of metal is carried out using a plasma cutting machine Vanad (Czech Republic). Longitudinal and circumferential seams of steam boiler drums and tank shells are made by the method of double-sided automatic submerged-arc welding on ESAB equipment (Sweden). An innovative welding complex makes it possible to weld shells and drums of boilers up to 12,000 mm in length and up to 3,200 mm in diameter. Plant "MPVF" Energetik "produces a full range of elements and components required for maintenance and repair of boiler equipment. The location of production in the central part of Ukraine allows the supply of spare parts in the shortest possible time, reducing the duration of downtime. Competitive price, high quality equipment, efficient service are the main factors for the success of the Energetik plant on the way to achieving leadership positions among Ukrainian manufacturers of boiler equipment.

protective rubber pneumatic

Shows NVK-3-Dimensions 2000×3600 mass – 800 kg, Internal Pressure – 80-100 MPa pressure perceived below 50% compression – 1100 kN beat water – up to 7 balls ambient temperature from -40 C to +45 C minimum age from 7 years Tech. specifications Shows NVK-3-Dimensions 2000×3600 mass – 800 kg, Internal Pressure – 80-100 MPa pressure, perceived below 50% compression – 1100 kN beat water – up to 7 balls ambient temperature from -40 C to +45 C minimum age from 7 years

Tires rubber mudguards
water-soluble microfertilizer "HELATEM Zn 15"

Trace elements in chelated form are used as fertilizers for fertilizing agricultural and ornamental crops on various types of soils in open and protected ground. They are designed to compensate for micronutrient deficiencies. They can be used for root and foliar feeding of plants. Lawn., Ornamental trees and shrubs., Green crops., Cereals, leguminous crops., Vegetable crops., Fruit crops., Industrial crops., Coniferous crops., Flower and decorative crops., Berry crops

water-soluble microfertilizer "HELATEM Fe 6"

Trace elements in chelated form are used as fertilizers for fertilizing agricultural and ornamental crops on various types of soils in open and protected ground. They are designed to compensate for micronutrient deficiencies. They can be used for root and foliar feeding of plants. Lawn., Ornamental trees and shrubs., Green crops., Cereals, leguminous crops., Vegetable crops., Fruit crops., Industrial crops., Coniferous crops., Flower and decorative crops., Berry crops.

water-soluble microfertilizer "HELATEM Cu 15"

Trace elements in chelated form are used as fertilizers for fertilizing agricultural and ornamental crops on various types of soils in open and protected ground. They are designed to compensate for micronutrient deficiencies. They can be used for root and foliar feeding of plants. Lawn., Ornamental trees and shrubs., Green crops., Cereals, leguminous crops., Vegetable crops., Fruit crops., Industrial crops., Coniferous crops., Flower and decorative crops., Berry crops.

water-soluble complex mineral fertilizer "Aquarin-6"

Water-soluble complex mineral fertilizer with chelated microelements. It is intended for feeding field, garden, ornamental, vegetable crops in open and protected ground using any irrigation and irrigation systems, for corrective foliar dressing, as an antistressant during pesticide treatments and unfavorable weather conditions. ., Cereals, legumes., Vegetable crops., Fruit crops., Industrial crops., Coniferous crops., Flower and decorative crops., Berry crops.

water-soluble complex mineral fertilizer "Aquarin-5"

Water-soluble complex mineral fertilizer with chelated microelements. It is intended for feeding field, garden, ornamental, vegetable crops in open and protected ground using any irrigation and irrigation systems, for corrective foliar dressing, as an antistressant during pesticide treatments and unfavorable weather conditions. ., Cereals, legumes., Vegetable crops., Fruit crops., Industrial crops., Coniferous crops., Flower and decorative crops., Berry crops.

water-soluble complex mineral fertilizer "Aquarin-3"

Water-soluble complex mineral fertilizer with chelated microelements. It is intended for feeding field, garden, ornamental, vegetable crops in open and protected ground using any irrigation and irrigation systems, for corrective foliar dressing, as an antistressant during pesticide treatments and unfavorable weather conditions. ., Cereals, legumes., Vegetable crops., Fruit crops., Industrial crops., Coniferous crops., Flower and decorative crops., Berry crops.

water-soluble complex mineral fertilizer "Aquarin-15"

Water-soluble complex mineral fertilizer with chelated microelements. It is intended for feeding field, garden, ornamental, vegetable crops in open and protected ground using any irrigation and irrigation systems, for corrective foliar dressing, as an antistressant during pesticide treatments and unfavorable weather conditions. ., Cereals, legumes., Vegetable crops., Fruit crops., Industrial crops., Coniferous crops., Flower and decorative crops., Berry crops.

water-soluble complex mineral fertilizer "Aquarin-13"

Water-soluble complex mineral fertilizer with chelated microelements. It is intended for feeding field, garden, ornamental, vegetable crops in open and protected ground using any irrigation and irrigation systems, for corrective foliar dressing, as an antistressant during pesticide treatments and unfavorable weather conditions. ., Cereals, legumes., Vegetable crops., Fruit crops., Industrial crops., Coniferous crops., Flower and decorative crops., Berry crops.

water-soluble complex mineral fertilizer "Aquarin-1"

Water-soluble complex mineral fertilizer with chelated microelements. It is intended for feeding field, garden, ornamental, vegetable crops in open and protected ground using any irrigation and irrigation systems, for corrective foliar dressing, as an antistressant during pesticide treatments and unfavorable weather conditions. ., Cereals, legumes., Vegetable crops., Fruit crops., Industrial crops., Coniferous crops., Flower and decorative crops., Berry crops.

Bioelectric power plant BGU100

The energy complex provides processing of manure of 500 pigs in a volume of 5 tons / day (humidity 80%). Biogas plant BGU-100 provides disinfection of cattle manure. Designed for autonomous provision of farms, state enterprises, small urban settlements. Those. specifications The energy complex provides processing in the amount of 5 tons / day (humidity 80%). Biogas plant BGU-100 provides disinfection of cattle manure, production of biogas in the amount of 8m3 / hour. Electricity generation from biogas – 10 kW Or heat energy generation from biogas – 20 kW. EK 100 station Electricity generation is 16 kW, while auxiliary needs will be about 3 kW. Heat generation will be about 0.1 Gcal. The amount of ash, which can be used as fertilizer, at the output will be about 250 / day.

Bioelectric power station BGU 5000

The biogas plant is designed to process 100 tons of organic waste per day, providing biogas output in the amount of 350 m3 per hour. Electricity generation from biogas – 1 MW Heat energy generation from biogas –3.9 Gcal / hour). Those. specifications The organic waste disposal center provides processing of excess activated sludge in the amount of 280 m3 / day (humidity 92-95%), as well as food organic waste, agricultural and crop waste in the amount of 100 tons / day (humidity ~ 70%). includes: 1. A complex of biogas plants BGU – 5000 (4 vertical reactors with a volume of 1250 m3 each), which provides processing of a mixture of organic waste, production of biogas in the amount of 350 m3 / h. 2. A cogeneration station: Generation of electrical energy from biogas – 785 kW. from biogas – 1344 kW (1.2 Gcal / h). 3. Separation unit: Separation of the effluent into solid and liquid fractions, with the return of the liquid fraction back to the fermentation cycle. 4. Station SBTT-1.5: The station is designed for drying the solid fraction effluent 5. Station EK-1.5: The station is designed for combustion of effluent. Electricity generation is 1.5 MW, auxiliary needs will be about 500 kW. Heat generation will be about 3.9 Gcal. The amount of ash, which can be used as fertilizer, at the output will be about 15 tons / day.

Anti-corrosion primer-enamel NANO-FIX ANTICOR

The primer has the ability to penetrate into microcracks and pores of the metal while simultaneously suppressing the incipient corrosion processes. At the same time, strong chelate complexes with the polymer component of the primer are formed on the metal surface, which reliably protect the metal from external influences. This mechanism of action allows NANO-FIX "Anticor" to firmly bind a layer of rust up to 100 microns. NANO-FIX "Anticor" contains nanosized silicic acid sol and alumosol (boehmite). The addition of nanosized sols to the NANO-FIX "Anticor" composition provides a significant decrease in the content of organic binder while maintaining the elasticity of the coating and a significant increase in adhesion to various surfaces, as well as the cohesive strength of the coating itself. At the same time, the NANO-FIX "Anticor" coating practically does not shrink due to the high percentage of dry residue, and has a high temperature resistance. NANO-FIX "Anticor" coating implements a fundamentally new approach to corrosion protection, which consists in a complex chemical interaction of component molecules with iron oxides and atoms of the metal lattice. The primer has the ability to penetrate into microcracks and pores of the metal while simultaneously suppressing the incipient corrosion processes. At the same time, strong chelate complexes with the polymer component of the primer are formed on the metal surface, which reliably protect the metal from external influences. This mechanism of action allows NANO-FIX "Anticor" to firmly bind a layer of rust up to 100 microns. routes of pipelines, bridges, and also allows the use of NANO-FIX "Anticor" as an independent coating. Those. Specifications For technical specifications, please visit our website:

PET sheets

APET. GPET. PET-GAG0.3mm – 4mm (12mm) 1.25 * 2.05 mm 3.05 * 2.05 mm Ask the dealers in your city for the exact prices for a specific product More information at: http: // Dealer addresses in your city: Manufacturer's contact: SafPlast LLC, Russia, Tatarstan, Vysokogorsky district, highway M-7, 806 km. (2 km south of the village of Makarovka), tel. (843) 233-05-33, e-mail: [email protected]

Horse peat for agricultural needs
Rubber crumb for construction

Rubber crumb, fractions: 2-4 mm, 1-2 mm, 0-1 mm. Packed in bags of 25 kg, or in big bags of 600-800 kg. We can discuss the use of your packaging.

Charcoal for household needs

High-quality charcoal, coarse fraction with excellent properties of rapid combustion without chemical raw materials in accordance with GOST 7657-84. CHARCOAL IS MADE FROM BIRCH, CONIFEROUS WOOD AND MIXED FOREST. USED IN HOUSEHOLD FOR PREPARING BBQ, SHALIKS, SEAFOOD AND GRILLED VEGETABLES Tech. specifications Specifications in accordance with GOST 7657-84

Charcoal for household needs

High-quality charcoal, coarse fraction with excellent properties of rapid combustion without chemical raw materials in accordance with GOST 7657-84. CHARCOAL IS MADE FROM BIRCH, CONIFEROUS WOOD AND MIXED FOREST. USED IN HOUSEHOLD FOR PREPARING BBQ, SHALIKS, SEAFOOD AND GRILLED VEGETABLES Tech. specifications Specifications in accordance with GOST 7657-84

Dosimeter - DRBP-03 radiometer

The dosimeter-radiometer "DRBP-03" is designed to measure the equivalent dose and equivalent dose rate of ionizing photon radiation, as well as the flux density of α-, β- radiation. It is designed as a base unit in a metal case with built-in detectors and a set of remote detection units. The device is completed with an extension bar and a battery charging unit. Advantages: operational control of the radiation situation (α-, β-, γ- radiation); wide range of measured values; portability It is used for operational dosimetric monitoring of the radiation environment; investigation of radiation anomalies; compilation of radiation maps of the area; detecting contamination of clothing, walls, floors, etc.

Dosimeter radiometer MKS-07N

Dosimeter radiometer MKS 07N (portable version) Designed to measure the ambient dose equivalent rate (hereinafter AED) and ambient dose equivalent (hereinafter AED) of photon-ionizing radiation (X-ray and y-radiation, flux density (FP) of a- and b-particles The operating principle of the dosimeter is based on converting the energy of ionizing radiation into electrical impulses using gas-discharge Geiger-Muller counters. It is designed as a base unit in a metal case with built-in detectors and a set of remote detection units. The dosimeter is equipped with an extension bar, an additional external battery compartment and two adapters for power supply from external DC and AC sources. Research and Production Company "POLYTECHFORM-M" has developed a sound adapter for MKS-07N, which is intended for direct transmission of audio-visual information about the count rate on the detectors of the BDKS-07 remote detection unit to the operator. help headphones and a bright LED. This allows you to efficiently, conveniently and quickly search for radioactive anomalies and monitor small changes in the gamma radiation (background) power by ear. The adapter can be used both in the normal and in the search mode of measurement (see item *** of the RE MKS-07N), which allows measuring the dose rate of gamma radiation or the flux density of beta particles at the points of anomalies without switching modes. adapter sold separately. It is used primarily as a portable device for operational dosimetric monitoring of the radiation situation, when compiling radiation maps of the area and studying radiation anomalies, for detecting contamination of clothing, equipment, buildings, structures, etc. north, is widely used during work at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, as part of mobile teams and as part of vehicles of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, as well as machines for radiation and chemical analysis.

We make railway dead-end stops

Railway dead-end stop refers to devices that block the path of rolling stock in areas where there is no rail track. They are installed at the end of dead-end tracks and are intended to stop the rolling stock from hitting the wall of the tunnel or from derailing if the driver does not stop the train in time. The dead-end stop must take the hit of the train and thereby stop it. A sand cushion is poured in front of and behind the stop, softening the impact of the rolling stock.


PP pipe PN 10 D20 * 1.9 L2m

Diesel fuel, straight-run gasoline

Diesel fuel TU NikolaevkaSamara regionAuthorized fuel Density 0.827Sulfur 0.2Flash 50Diesel fuel TU Samara RegionBulked Density 0.820Sulfur 0.5Flash 35Straight-run gasoline (Nefras, BGS) Samara and Orenburg regionAutomotive fuelFuel density 0.04About 0.710Sera nine

N220 Carbon Black

Black carbon reinforcement, which gives high wear resistance, high tensile strength and tensile strength of the rubber band. It is widely used for the production of high quality, rubber protection for all types of vehicles, and the protection of the population for renovation. Also used for the production of high quality rubber articles, moldings in difficult conditions. Those. specifications Target PROPERTY Tolerance test method ASTM 1. Adsorption of iodine, g / kg 121 ± 6 D 1510 2. Oil absorption quantity cm3 / l00g 114 ± 6 D 2414 3. Waste sieve 45 μm (No. 325),% ≤ 0.05 D 1514 4 Waste sieve 500 µm (No. 35),% ≤ 0.001 D 1514 5. Heating losses,% ≤ 1.5 D 1509 6. Ash content,% ≤ 1.0 D 1506 7. Add density, kg / m3 355 ± 25 D 1513 8. Fines, content,% ≤ 7 D 1508 9. pH value 7 ÷ 10 D 1512 10. Sulfur content,% ≤ 2.0 D 1619 11. Individual granules hardness (on average 20 years), g ≤ 55 D 5230 12. Individual granules of hardness (up to 20), g ≤ 90 D 5230 13. Discoloration toluene,% ≥ 90 D 1618 14. Surface area BET (NSA), m2 / g 114 ± 5 D 6556 15. External surface of the zone (CSTE), m2 / g 106 ± 5 D 6556 16. Strength shade 116 ± 5 D 3265 17. Oil absorption number of tablets, e.g. cm3 / 100 g 98 ± 5 D 3493

N234 Carbon Black

Black carbon reinforcement, which gives high wear resistance, high tensile strength and tensile strength of the rubber band. It is widely used for the production of high quality, rubber protection for all types of vehicles, and the protection of the population for renovation. Also used for the production of high quality rubber articles, moldings in difficult conditions. Those. specification Property Test ASTM Value (STSA) 10³ m2 / kg (m2 / g) D 6556 112 ± 5 (NSA), 10³ m2 / kg (m2 / g) D 6556 119 ± 5 Iodine Absorption g / kg D 1510 120 ± 5 ( ОАN), 10 m3 / kg D 2414 125 ± 5 (COAN), 10-5 m3 / kg D 3493 102 ± 5pH of water suspension D 1512 6-10 Sulfur content,% max D 1619 1.1 Heating Loss at 105 C˚, %, max D 16190.9ASH content,% max D 1506 0.45 Tint strength D 3265123 ± 5 Sieve residue,% max 0.045 mm% D 15140,10,500 mm% D 15140,001 Toluene discoloration,% min D 1618 90Pour density,% D 1513 320 ± 30 Fines content,% max D 1508bags – 12.0big-bags – 8.0hoppers 7.0НD 33130.25-1

N339 Carbon Black

Black carbon reinforcement, which gives high wear resistance, high tensile strength and tensile strength of the rubber band. It is widely used for the production of high quality, rubber protection for all types of vehicles, and the protection of the population for renovation. Also used for the production of high quality rubber articles, moldings in difficult conditions. Those. Specifications Property Test ASTM Value (STSA) 10³ m2 / kg (m2 / g) D 6556 88 ± 5 (NSA), 10³ m2 / kg (m2 / g) D 6556 91 ± 5 Iodine Absorption g / kg D 1510 90 ± 5 ( ОАN), 10 m3 / kg D 2414 120 ± 5 (COAN), 10-5 m3 / kg D 3493 99 ± 5pH of water suspension D 1512 6-10 Sulfur content,% max D 1619 1.1 Heating Loss at 105 C˚, %, max D 16190.9ASH content,% max D 1506 0.45 Tint strength D 3265111 ± 5 Sieve residue,% max 0.045 mm% D 15140,10,500 mm% D 15140,001 Toluene discoloration,% min D 1618 80Pour density,% D 1513 380 ± 30 Fines content,% max D 1508bags – big-bags – hoppers 7,0НD 33130,25-1

N660 Carbon Black

Black carbon reinforcement, which gives high wear resistance, high tensile strength and tensile strength of the rubber band. It is widely used for the production of high quality, rubber protection for all types of vehicles, and the protection of the population for renovation. Also used for the production of high quality rubber articles, moldings in difficult conditions. Those. Specifications Property Test ASTM Value (STSA) 10³ m2 / kg (m2 / g) D 6556 34 ± 5 (NSA), 10³ m2 / kg (m2 / g) D 6556 35 ± 5 Iodine Absorption g / kg D 1510 36 ± 5 ( ОАN), 10 m3 / kg D 2414 90 ± 5 (COAN), 10-5 m3 / kg D 3493 74 ± 5pH of water suspension D 1512 6-10 Sulfur content,% max D 1619 1.1 Heating Loss at 105 C˚, %, max D 16190.9ASH content,% max D 1506 0.45 Tint strength D 3265- Sieve residue,% max 0.045 mm% D 15140,10,500 mm% D 15140,001 Toluene discoloration,% min D 1618 75Pour density,% D 1513 440 ± 30 Fines content,% max D 1508bags – 12.0big-bags – 8.0hoppers 7.0НD 33130.25-1

N330 Carbon Black

Black carbon reinforcement, which gives high wear resistance, high tensile strength and tensile strength of the rubber band. It is widely used for the production of high quality, rubber protection for all types of vehicles, and the protection of the population for renovation. Also used for the production of high quality rubber articles, moldings in difficult conditions. Those. Specifications Property Test ASTM Value (STSA) 10³ m2 / kg (m2 / g) D 6556 75 ± 5 (NSA), 10³ m2 / kg (m2 / g) D 6556 78 ± 5 Iodine Absorption g / kg D 1510 82 ± 5 ( ОАN), 10 m3 / kg D 2414 102 ± 5 (COAN), 10-5 m3 / kg D 3493 88 ± 5pH of water suspension D 1512 6-10 Sulfur content,% max D 1619 1.1 Heating Loss at 105 C˚, %, max D 16190.9ASH content,% max D 1506 0.45 Tint strength D 3265104 ± 5 Sieve residue,% max 0.045 mm% D 15140,10,500 mm% D 15140,001 Toluene discoloration,% min D 1618 85Pour density,% D 1513 380 ± 30 Fines content,% max D 1508bags – big-bags – hoppers 7,0НD 33130,25-1

Pneumatic V-525 235 / 65R16C

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 235 / 65R16C, Speed index: R index Load: 115/113, Average weight (kg): 15,302

Pneumatic V-525 215 / 65R16C

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 215 / 65R16C, Speed index: R index Load: 109/107, Average weight (kg): 12.658 Saturn, Saturn

Pneumatic V-525 195 / 75R16C

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 195 / 75R16C, Speed index: R index Load: 107/105, Average weight (kg): 12,002

Pneumatic V-525 215 / 65R15C

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 215 / 65R15C, Speed index: R index Load: 104/102, Average weight (kg): 11,879

Pneumatic V-525 205 / 70R15C

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 205 / 70R15C, Speed index: R index Load: 106/104, Average weight (kg): 12,394

Pneumatic V-525 195 / 70R15C

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 195 / 70R15C, Speed index: R index Load: 104/102, Average weight (kg): 11.05

Tire 1P 195 R14C V-525 195 R14C

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 195 R14C, Speed index: R index Load: 106/104, Average weight (kg): from 10.975

Pneumatic V-526 235 / 60R18

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 235 / 60R18, Speed Index: T, Load Index: 103, Average Weight (kg): 14.604

Pneumatic V-526 235 / 65R17

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 235 / 65R17, Speed Index: T, Load Index: 104, Average Weight (kg): 15,004

Pneumatic V-526 225 / 65R17

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 225 / 65R17, Speed Index: T, Load Index: 102, Average Weight (kg): 13.606

Pneumatic V-526 215 / 55R17

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 215 / 55R17, Speed Index: T, Load Index: 94, Average Weight (kg): 11,764

Pneumatic V-526 205 / 70R15

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 205 / 70R15, Speed Index: T, Load Index: 96, Average Weight (kg): 11.317

Pneumatic V-521 255 / 45R18

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 255 / 45R18, Speed index: T, Load index: 103, Average weight (kg): 13.413

Pneumatic V-521 245 / 45R17

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 245 / 45R17, Speed: -, Load index: – Average weight (kg): 11.294

Pneumatic V-521 225 / 50R17

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 225 / 50R17, Speed: -, Load index: – Average weight (kg): 11.407

Pneumatic V-521 225 / 45R17

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 225 / 45R17, Speed Index: Q Index Load: 94, Average Weight (kg): 10.196

Pneumatic V-521 215 / 60R16

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 215 / 60R16, Speed: -, Load index: – Average weight (kg): 11.038

Pneumatic V-521 205 / 55R16

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 205 / 55R16, Speed Index: T, Load Index: 91, Average Weight (kg): 9.409

Pneumatic V-521 195 / 60R15

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 195 / 60R15, Speed: -, Load index: – Average weight (kg): 8.692

Pneumatic V-521 195 / 55R15

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 195 / 55R15, Speed: -, Load index: – Average weight (kg): 7.8

Pneumatic V-521 185 / 65R15

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 185 / 65R15, Speed: -, Load index: – Average weight (kg): 8,401

Pneumatic V-521 185 / 60R15

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 185 / 60R15, Speed: -, Load index: – Average weight (kg): 7.877

Pneumatic V-521 185 / 70R14

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 185 / 70R14, Speed Index: T, Load Index: 88, Average Weight (kg): 8.38

Pneumatic V-521 185 / 65R14

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 185 / 65R14, Speed Index: T, Load Index: 86, Average Weight (kg): 8,022

Pneumatic V-521 185 / 60R14

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 185 / 60R14, Speed Index: T, Load Index: 82, Average Weight (kg): 7,732

Pneumatic V-521 175 / 70R14

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 175 / 70R14, Speed index: T, Load index: 84, Average weight, (kg): 7,839

Pneumatic V-521 175 / 65R14

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 175 / 65R14, Speed Index: T, Load Index: 82, Average Weight (kg): 7,136

Pneumatic V-237 265 / 65R17

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specification Size: 265 / 65R17, Speed Index: H Load Index: 112, Average Weight (kg): 17.358

Pneumatic V-237 235 / 65R17

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specification Size: 235 / 65R17, Speed Index: H Load Index: 104, Average Weight (kg): 14,711

Pneumatic V-237 225 / 65R17

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 225 / 65R17, Speed index: H Load index: 102, Average weight (kg): 12.413

Pneumatic V-237 225 / 60R17

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 225 / 60R17, Speed: -, Load index: – Average weight (kg): 12.974

Pneumatic V-237 215 / 55R17

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 215 / 55R17, Speed Index: V Index Load: 94, Average Weight (kg): 11,258

Pneumatic V-237 245 / 70R16

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specification Size: 245 / 70R16, Speed Index: H Load Index: 107, Average Weight (kg): 15,495

Pneumatic V-237 235 / 60R16

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 235 / 60R16, Speed: -, Load index: – Average weight (kg): 12,833

Pneumatic V-237 205 / 70R15

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 205 / 70R15, Speed Index: H Load Index: 96, Average Weight (kg): 10.985

Pneumatic V-130 255 / 45R18

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 255 / 45R18, Speed index: V index Load: 103, Average weight (kg): 12.979

Pneumatic V-130 245 / 45R17

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 245 / 45R17, Speed: -, Load index: – Average weight (kg): 11.475

Pneumatic V-130 225 / 50R17

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 225 / 50R17, Speed: -, Load index: – Average weight (kg): 10.98

Pneumatic V-130 215 / 55R17

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 215 / 55R17, Speed: -, Load index: – Average weight (kg): 11,094

Pneumatic V-130 215 / 55R16

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 215 / 55R16, Speed index: V index Load: 93, Average weight (kg): 8,564

Pneumatic V-130 225 / 55R16

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 225 / 55R16, Speed: -, Load index: – Average weight (kg): 10.995

Pneumatic V-130 195 / 65R15

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 195 / 65R15, Speed: -, Load Index: 91, Average Weight (kg): 8.698

Pneumatic V-130 195 / 55R15

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 195 / 55R15, Speed: -, Load index: – Average weight (kg): 7.926

Pneumatic V-130 185 / 65R15

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 185 / 65R15, Speed: -, Load index: – Average weight (kg): 8.127

Pneumatic V-130 185 / 60R15

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 185 / 60R15, Speed Index: H Load Index: 84, Average Weight, (kg): 7.967

Pneumatic V-130 185 / 55R15

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 185 / 55R15, Speed: -, Load index: – Average weight (kg): 7.946

Pneumatic V-130 185 / 70R14

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 185 / 70R14, Speed Index: H Load Index: 88, Average Weight (kg): 8,025

Pneumatic V-130 185 / 65R14

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 185 / 65R14, Speed Index: H Load Index: 86, Average Weight (kg): 7.884

Pneumatic V-130 185 / 60R14

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 185 / 60R14, Speed Index: H Load Index: 82, Average Weight (kg): 7,715

Pneumatic V-130 175 / 70R14

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specification Size: 175 / 70R14, Speed Index: H Load Index: 84, Average Weight, (kg): 7.75

Pneumatic V-130 175 / 65R14

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 175 / 65R14, Speed Index: H Load Index: 82, Average Weight (kg): 7.017

Tires NK-520 205/75 R16C

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 205/75 R16C, Speed Index: R Index Load: 110/108, Average Weight (kg): 13.326

Tires NK-131 205 / 75R16C

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 205 / 75R16C, Speed index: R index Load: 110/108, Average weight (kg): 12,709

Tires NK-520 185/75 R16C

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 185/75 R16C, Speed index: R index Load: 104/102, Average weight (kg): 11,517

Tires NK-131 235 / 65R16C

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 235 / 65R16C, Speed index: R index Load: 115/113, Average weight (kg): 15,329

Tires NK-131 235 / 65R16C

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 235 / 65R16C, Speed index: R index Load: 115/113, Average weight (kg): 15,329

Tires NK-131 215 / 75R16C

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 215 / 75R16C, Speed Index: R Index, Load: 116/114, Average Weight (kg): 13.287

Tires NK-131 215 / 65R16C

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 215 / 65R16C, Speed index: R index Load: 109/107, Average weight (kg): 12,759

Tires NK-131 195 / 75R16C

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 195 / 75R16C, Speed Index: R Index Load: 107/105, Average Weight (kg): 12.45

Tires NK-131 185 / 75R16C

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 185 / 75R16C, Speed Index: N Load Index: 104/102, Average Weight (kg): 11,526

Tires NK-131 215 / 65R15C

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 215 / 65R15C, Speed Index: R Index Load: 104/102, Average Weight (kg): 11.976

Tires NK-131 205 / 70R15C

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 205 / 70R15C, Speed index: R index Load: 106/104, Average weight (kg): 11.609

Tires NK-131 195 / 70R15C

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 195 / 70R15C, Speed index: R index Load: 104/102, Average weight (kg): 11,331

Tires NK-131 195R14C

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 195R14C, Speed Index: R Index Load: 106/104, Average Weight (kg): 11.184

KAMA tires EURO-236 185 / 70R14

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 185 / 70R14, Speed Index: H Load Index: 88, Average Weight (kg): 7,791

KAMA tires EURO-236 185 / 65R14

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 185 / 65R14, Speed Index: H Load Index: 86, Average Weight (kg): 6.949

KAMA tires EURO-236 155 / 65R13

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 155 / 65R13, Speed Index: T, Load Index: 73, Average Weight (kg): 4,842

KAMA tires EURO-228 205 / 75R15

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 205 / 75R15, Speed Index: T, Load Index: 97, Average Weight (kg): 11.317

KAMA tires EURO-224 185 / 60R14

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 185 / 60R14, Speed Index: H Load Index: 82, Average Weight (kg): 6.89

KAMA tires EURO-224 175 / 70R13

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 175 / 70R13, Speed Index: T, Load Index: 82, Average Weight (kg): 6.922

Tires NK-129 215 / 60R16

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 215 / 60R16, Speed index: V index Load: 95, Average weight (kg): 9.941

Tires NK-129 215/55 R16

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 215/55 R16, Speed index: V index Load: 93, Average weight (kg): 9.997

Tires NK-129 205 / 60R16

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 205 / 60R16, Speed index: V index Load: 92, Average weight (kg): 9.426

Tires NK-129 205 / 55R16

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 205 / 55R16, Speed index: V index Load: 91, Average weight (kg): 9.197

Tires NK-129 205 / 65R15

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 205 / 65R15, Speed index: V index Load: 94, Average weight (kg): 9,076

Tires NK-129 205/60 R15

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 205/60 R15, Speed index: V index Load: 91, Average weight (kg): 9,162

Tires NK-129 195 / 65R15

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 195 / 65R15, Speed Index: H Load Index: 91, Average Weight (kg): 8.653

Tires NK-129 195 / 60R15

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 195 / 60R15, Speed index: V index Load: 88, Average weight (kg): 8,074

Tires NK-129 195/55 R15

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 195/55 R15, Speed index: V index Load: 85, Average weight (kg): 9,068

Tires NK-129 185/65 R14

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 185/65 R14, Speed index: H Index Load: 86, Average weight (kg): 7,252

Tires NK-129 185 / 60R14

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 185 / 60R14, Speed Index: H Load Index: 82, Average Weight (kg): 7.207

Tires NK-129 175 / 70R14

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 175 / 70R14, Speed indicator: H Index of Load: 84, Average weight, (kg): 6.927

Tires NK-129 175 / 65R14

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specification Size: 175 / 65R14, Speed Index: H Load Index: 82, Average Weight (kg): 7.03

Tires NK-129 175 / 70R13

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 175 / 70R13, Speed Index: H Load Index: 82, Average Weight (kg): 6,749

Tires NkF-8 9.00-16

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 9.00-16, Speed Index: A6 Load Index: 121, Average Weight (kg): 24.45

Tires NF 201 315/60 R 22.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 315/60 R 22.5, Speed indicator: L Load index: 152/148, Average weight (kg): 55.966

Tires KAMA-406 8,15-15

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 8.15-15, Speed: A5, Load Index: 146, Average Weight (kg): 22.69

Tires KAMA-404 6.50-10

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 6.50-10, Speed Index: A5, Load Index: 122, Average Weight (kg): 14.583

Tires FD-14-ns12 21.3 R-24

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 21.3 R-24, Speed: -, Load index: – Average weight (kg): 151.07

Tires KAMA-422 7.00-12

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 7.00-12, Speed Index: A5, Load Index: 131, Average Weight (kg): 17.975

Tires F-65 18h7-8

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 18h7-8, Speed Index: A5, Load Index: 121, Average Weight (kg): 9,792

Tires F-2A 15.5 R-38

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 15.5 R-38, Rotational speed: -, Load index: – Average weight (kg): 107.223

Tires KAMA-405 13.6R38

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 13,6R38, Speed: -, Load index: – Average weight (kg): 92,461

Tires FD-14-ns10 21.3 R-24

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 21.3 R-24, Speed: -, Load index: – Average weight (kg): 142.62

Tire 1P 18.4 R24 CARAT 000/00 R24

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 000/00 R24, Speed: -, Load index: – Average weight (kg): 121.276

Tire F-35 11,2.20

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 11,2.20, Speed Index: A6 Load Index: 114, Average Weight (kg): 41,849

Tires KAMA-421 6L-12

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 6L-12, Speed Index: A6 Load Index: 44, Average Weight (kg): 6,508

Tires V-103 7.50-20

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 7.50-20, Speed Ratio: A6 Load Index: 102, Average Weight (kg): up to 23.877

Tires KF-97-1 16.5 / 70-18

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 16.5 / 70-18, Speed Index: A6 Load Index: 149, Average Weight (kg): 70.35

Tires L-163 12.00-16

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 12.00-16, Speed Index: A6 Load Index: 126, Average Weight (kg): 34.627

Tires L-225-1 6.00-16

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 6.00-16, Speed Index: A6 Load Index: 88, Average Weight (kg): 15.819

Tires L-225-1 6.00-16

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 6.00-16, Speed Index: A6 Load Index: 88, Average Weight (kg): 15.819

Tires NF 701 11 R 22.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 11 R 22.5, Speed indicator: K index Load: 148/145, Average weight (kg): 55.262

Tires n ° 501 oship 315/70 R 22.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 315/70 R 22.5, Speed: -, Load index: – Average weight (kg): 71,154

Tires NF 501 oship 315/70 R 22.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 315/70 R 22.5, Speed: -, Load index: – Average weight (kg): 62.865

Tires n ° 501 315/70 R 22.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 315/70 R 22.5, Speed: -, Load index: – Average weight (kg): 68.893

Tires NF 501 315/70 R 22.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 315/70 R 22.5, Speed: -, Load index: – Average weight (kg): 62.37

Tires No. 701 12.00 R 24

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 12.00 R 24, Speed level: K index Load: 160/156, Average weight (kg): 99.649

Wheels NU 701 12 R 22.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 12 R 22.5, Speed indicator: L Load index: 152/148, Average weight (kg): 63.898

Wheels NU 701 315/80 R 22.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 315/80 R 22.5, Speed indicator: K index Load: 156/150, Average weight (kg): 70.379

Tire 1P 295/80 R22.5 KAMA NU 701 295/80 R22.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 295/80 R22.5, Speed indicator: – Load index: – Average weight (kg): 63,784

Tires No. 701 12.00 R 20

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 12.00 R 20, Speed indicator: K Load index: 154/150, Average weight (kg): 87.321

Tires NF 202 12R22.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 12R22.5, Speed indicator: L Load index: 152/148, Average weight (kg): 61.978

Tires NF 202 12 R 22.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 12 R 22.5, Speed indicator: L Load index: 152/148, Average weight (kg): 61.978

Tire NT 201 385/65 R 22.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 385/65 R 22.5, Speed indicator: K index Load: 160, Average weight (kg): 70.201

Tires NF 202 385/65 R 22.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 385/65 R 22.5, Speed index: K index Load: 160, Average weight (kg): 69.48

Tires NF202 385 / 65R22.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 385 / 65R22.5, Speed Index: K Load Index: 160, Average Weight (kg): 69.48

Pneumatic NT-202 385/55 R 22.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 385/55 R 22.5, Speed indicator: K index Load: 160, Average weight (kg): 71.98

Tires NT202 + 385 / 55R22.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 385 / 55R22.5, Speed Index: K Load Index: 160, Average Weight (kg): 71.98

Tires N ° 201 315/80 R 22.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 315/80 R 22.5, Speed indicator: L Load index: 156/150, Average weight (kg): 70.344

Tires NF 201 315/80 R 22.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 315/80 R 22.5, Speed indicator: L Load index: 156/150, Average weight (kg): 64.844

Tires NF 201 315/80 R 22.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 315/80 R 22.5, Speed indicator: L Load index: 156/150, Average weight (kg): 64.844

Tires N ° 202 315/70 R 22.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 315/70 R 22.5, Speed indicator: L Load index: 154/150, Average weight (kg): 67.754

Tires NF 202 315/70 R 22.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 315/70 R 22.5, Speed index: L index Load: 154/150, Average weight (kg): 61.414

Tires, N ° 101 315/70 R 22.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 315/70 R 22.5, Speed index: L index Load: 154/150, Average weight (kg): 67.75

Tires, N ° 101 315/70 R 22.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 315/70 R 22.5, Speed index: L index Load: 154/150, Average weight (kg): 67.75

Tires NF 101 315/70 R 22.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 315/70 R 22.5, Speed indicator: L Load index: 154/150, Average weight (kg): 62.565

Tires N ° 201 315/60 R 22.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 315/60 R 22.5, Speed indicator: K index Load: 152/148, Average weight (kg): 59.993

Tires NF 201+ 315/60 R 22.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 315/60 R 22.5, Speed index: L Load index: 152/148, Average weight (kg): 55,807

Tires N ° 202 295/80 R 22.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 295/80 R 22.5, Speed indicator: M Load index: 152/148, Average weight (kg): 63.945

Tires N ° 202 295/75 R 22.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 295/75 R 22.5, Speed indicator: M Load index: 148/145, Average weight (kg): 58.728

Tires NF 202 295/75 R 22.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 295/75 R 22.5, Speed indicator: M Load index: 148/145, Average weight (kg): 56.505 li

Wheels NU 301 275/70 R 22.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 275/70 R 22.5, Speed index: J index Load: 148/145, Average weight (kg): 55.263

Tires N ° 201 275/70 R 22.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 275/70 R 22.5, Speed indicator: L Load index: 148/145, Average weight (kg): 54.941

Tires NF 201 275/70 R 22.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 275/70 R 22.5, Speed indicator: M Load index: 148/145, Average weight (kg): 51.147

Tires N ° 201 285/70 R 19.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 285/70 R 19.5, Speed indicator: M Load index: 145/143, Average weight (kg): 44.451

Tires NF 202 285/70 R 19.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 285/70 R 19.5, Speed indicator: M Load index: 145/143, Average weight (kg): 44.458

Pneumatic NT 202 265/70 R 19.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 265/70 R 19.5, Speed index: J index Load: 143/141, Average weight (kg): 42.199

Tires N ° 201 245/70 R 19.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 245/70 R 19.5, Speed index: M Load index: 136/134, Average weight (kg): 37.612

Tires N ° 201 245/70 R 19.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 245/70 R 19.5, Speed index: M Load index: 136/134, Average weight (kg): 37.612

Tires NF 201 245/70 R 19.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 245/70 R 19.5, Speed indicator: M Load index: 136/134, Average weight (kg): 35.757

Pneumatic NT 202 235/75 R 17.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 235/75 R 17.5, Speed indicator: J Index Load: 143/141, Average weight (kg): 32.929

Tires N ° 202 235/75 R 17.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 235/75 R 17.5, Speed indicator: M Load index: 132/130, Average weight (kg): 30.278

Tires NF 202 235/75 R 17.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 235/75 R 17.5, Speed indicator: M Load index: 132/130, Average weight (kg): 28.681

Tires NU301 225 / 75R17.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 225 / 75R17.5, Speed indicator: M Load index: 129/127, Average weight (kg): 27.557

Tires N ° 202 225 / 75R17.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 225 / 75R17.5, Speed indicator: M Load index: 129/127, Average weight (kg): 28.807

Wheels NU 301 215/75 R 17.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 215/75 R 17.5, Speed index: M Load index: 126/124, Average weight (kg): 27,009

Tires N ° 201 215/75 R 17.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 215/75 R 17.5, Speed indicator: M Load index: 126/124, Average weight (kg): 27.883

Tires NF 202 215/75 R 17.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 215/75 R 17.5, Speed indicator: M Load index: 126/124, Average weight (kg): 26.547

Tires KAMA-701 12,00R20

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 12,00R20, Speed index: F, Load index: 154/150, Average weight (kg): 77,45

Tires KAMA-701 10.00R20

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 10.00R20, Speed Index: F, Load Index: 147/143, Average Weight (kg): 64,504

Tires KAMA-410 530 / 70-21

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 530 / 70-21) Speed: F, Load index: 156, Average weight (kg): 105.2

Tires KAMA-410 530 / 70-21

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 530 / 70-21) Speed: F, Load index: 156, Average weight (kg): 105.2

Tire I-P184-1 1220h400-533

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 1220h400-533, Speed: G, Load Index: 141, Average Weight (kg): 92.651

Tires KAMA-1260-2 NS-14; NS-18 425/85 R21

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 425/85 R21, Speed index: G, Load index: 156, Average weight (kg): 122,156

Tires KAMA-1260, KAMA-1260-1 425/85 R21

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 425/85 R21, Speed index: G, Load index: 156, Average weight (kg): 123,977

Tires KAMA-401 400 / 70-21 (1100h400-533)

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 400 / 70-21 (1100h400-533), Speed: G, Load index: 145, Average weight (kg): 89,872

Tires ID-P284 ns10 i ns16 500 / 70-20 (1200h500-508)

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 500 / 70-20 (1200h500-508), Speed Index: F, Load Index: 156, Average Weight (kg): 109,732

Tires KAMA URAL n.s 10 i ns18 390 / 95R20

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 390 / 95R20, Speed index: J Load index: 156, Average weight (kg): 112,502

Tires OI-25 ns14 14.00-20

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 14.00-20, Speed: G, Load Index: 146, Average Weight (kg): 101.686

Tires OI-25 ns10 14.00-20

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 14.00-20, Speed: G, Load Index: 140, Average Weight (kg): 101.645

Tires KAMA 402 12.00R20

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 12.00R20, Speed indicator: J Load index: 154/149, Average weight (kg): 70.934

Tires ID-304, U-4. ns16 n.s.18 12.00 R-20

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 12.00 R-20, Speed Ratio: J Index Load: 154/149, Average Weight (kg): 77.254

Tires KAMA-310 12,00R20

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 12,00R20, Speed index: J Load index: 154/149, Average weight (kg): 74,406

Tires KAMA-310 11.00R20

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 11.00R20, Speed Index: K Load Index: 150/146, Average Weight (kg): 62.269

Tire I-68-h.s.14 h.s.16 11.00R20

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 11,00R20, Speed index: K Load index: 150/146, Average weight (kg): 65,503

Tires KAMA-310 10.00R20

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 10.00R20, Speed Index: K Load Index: 146/143, Average Weight (kg): 60,059

Tire I-281, U-4 10.00R20

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 10,00R20, Speed index: J Load index: 146/143, Average weight (kg): 62,194

Tires 0-40 BM 9.00R20

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 9.00R20, Speed Index: J Load Index: 140/137, Average Weight (kg): 52,458

Tires В-142 BM 9,00R20

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 9,00R20, Speed Index: K Load Index: 140/137, Average Weight (kg): 52,466

Tires u-2 8.25R20

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 8.25R20, Speed Index: J Load Index: 125/122, Average Weight (kg): 38,749

Tires KAMA-202 215 / 75R17.5

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 215 / 75R17.5, Speed indicator: M Load index: 124/123, Average weight (kg): 20.415

Tire I-368 12,00R20

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 12,00R20, Speed index: J Load index: 154/149, Average weight (kg): 67,572

Tire I-111AM 11.00R20

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 11,00R20, Speed index: J Load index: 149/145, Average weight (kg): 61,108

Tire I-A185 10,00R20

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 10,00R20, Speed index: J Load index: 146/143, Average weight (kg): 54,693

OI-73 B tires 10.00R20

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 10,00R20, Speed indicator: K Load index: 146/143, Average weight (kg): 56.417

Tire I-359 225 / 75R16C

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 225 / 75R16C, Speed Index: N Load Index: 121/120, Average Weight (kg): 16,504

Tire I-502 225 / 85R15C

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 225 / 85R15C, Speed Index: P Index Load: 106, Average Weight (kg): 18.615

Tire I-502 225 / 85R15C

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 225 / 85R15C, Speed Index: P Index Load: 106, Average Weight (kg): 18.615

Pneumatic JA-245-1 215 / 90-15C

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 215 / 90-15C, Speed Index: K Load Index: 99, Average Weight (kg): 18,569

Tires Kama 218 225 / 75R16C

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 225 / 75R16C, Speed Index: N Load Index: 121/120, Average Weight (kg): 16.808

175R16C tires KAMA-218

The largest tire manufacturer, which occupies one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market, which approves tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER – ONE 20 'container. MIXTURE IN THE PACKAGING AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. The lifting capacity is configured for a 40HC container. POSSIBILITY OF SAMPLES, DELIVERY are discussed individually. TERMS OF PAYMENT: prepayment or LC Tech. Specifications Size: 175R16C, Speed Indicator: H Load Index: 98/96, Average Weight (kg): 12.07

Tires KAMA-231 185 / 75R13C

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 185 / 75R13C, Speed Index: N Load Index: 96, Average Weight (kg): 8.617

Tires KAMA-231 185 / 75R13C

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 185 / 75R13C, Speed Index: N Load Index: 96, Average Weight (kg): 8.617

KAMA tires - FLAME (b / k) 205 / 70R16

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 205 / 70R16, Speed index: Q index Load: 91, Average weight (kg): 11.43

KAMA tires - FLAME (b / k) 205 / 70R16

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 205 / 70R16, Speed index: Q index Load: 91, Average weight (kg): 11.43

Tires KAMA-221 235 / 70R16

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 235 / 70R16, Speed index: S index Load: 109, Average weight (kg): 15.977

Tires KAMA-219 225 / 75R16

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 225 / 75R16, Speed index: R index Load: 104, Average weight (kg): 14.59

Tires Kama 235 215 / 70R16

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 215 / 70R16, Speed index: H Load index: 99, Average weight (kg): 12,562

Tires Kama 214 215 / 65R16

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 215 / 65R16, Speed Index: Q Index Load: 102, Average Weight (kg): 12.039

Tires KAMA-232 185 / 75R16

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 185 / 75R16, Speed Index: T, Load Index: 95, Average Weight (kg): 10,594

Tires KAMA-232 205 / 70R15

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 205 / 70R15, Speed Index: T, Load Index: 95, Average Weight (kg): 10.871

Tires Ya-520 PILIGRIM 235 / 75R-15

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 235 / 75R-15, Speed Index: S Load Index: 105, Average Weight (kg): 17.618

Tires KAMA-NIKOLA 195 / 65R15

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 195 / 65R15, Speed Index: H Load Index: 91, Average Weight (kg): 9.411

Tires KAMA-234 195 / 65R15

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 195 / 65R15, Speed Index: H Load Index: 91, Average Weight (kg): 9.127

Tires Kama-230 185 / 65R14

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 185 / 65R14, Speed Index: H Load Index: 86, Average Weight (kg): 7,172

KAMA tires -208 185 / 60R14

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 185 / 60R14, Speed index: H Load index: 82, Average weight (kg): 7,432

Tires KAMA-217 175 / 65R14

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 175 / 65R14, Speed Index: H Load Index: 82, Average Weight (kg): 6,847

Tires KAMA-217 175 / 70R13

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 175 / 70R13, Speed index: H Load index: 82, Average weight (kg): 6,831

Tires KAMA-205 175 / 70R13

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 175 / 70R13, Speed Index: T, Load Index: 82, Average Weight (kg): 6.128

Tires KAMA-204 (b / c) 135 / 80R12

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 135 / 80R12, Speed Index: T Load Index: 68, Average Weight (kg): 4,616

Tires NK-132 205 / 65R15

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 205 / 65R15, Speed Index: T, Load Index: 94, Average Weight (kg): 9.607

Tires NK-132 205 / 65R15

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 205 / 65R15, Speed Index: T, Load Index: 94, Average Weight (kg): 9.607

Tires NK-132 185 / 70R14

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 185 / 70R14, Speed Index: T, Load Index: 88, Average Weight (kg): 7,552

Tires NK-132 185 / 65R14

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 185 / 65R14, Speed Index: H Load Index: 86, Average Weight (kg): 7.415

Tires NK-132 185 / 60R14

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 185 / 60R14, Speed Index: H Load Index: 82, Average Weight (kg): 7.203

Tires NK-132 175 / 70R14

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. specifications Size: 175 / 70R14, Speed index: T, Load index: 84, Average weight, (kg): 7,187

Tires NK-132 175 / 65R14

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 175 / 65R14, Speed Index: H Load Index: 82, Average Weight (kg): 6,847

Tires NK-132 175 / 70R13

Tire is a larger manufacturing company occupying one of the leading positions in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The range of manufactured tires includes more than 120 standard sizes and models. Kama tires manufacturer is the number 1 supplier in the Russian market that is certified tires for car factories of foreign manufacturers Fiat, Volkswagen, Skoda. WHOLESALE ONLY. MINIMUM ORDER IS ONE 20FT CONTAINER. MIX IN TANK, AVAILABLE – MINIMUM QUANTITY OF EACH TYPE OF TIRE – 6 PCS. LIFT CAPACITY CUSTOMIZED FOR 40HC CONTAINER. POSSIBILITY OF DELIVERY OF SAMPLES ARE DISCUSSED INDIVIDUALLY. TERMS OF PAYMENT: ADVANCE PAYMENT OR LC Tech. Specifications Size: 175 / 70R13, Speed Index: T, Load Index: 82, Average Weight (kg): 6,842


tube in a blister


tube in a blister

Glue KLEYBERG Furniture

tube in a blister

Glue KLEYBERG Master

tube in a blister


Contact adhesive is used for adhesive cork coatings, as well as for technical cork to fiberboard, chipboard, concrete

KLEYBERG P2K glue extra ng

It is used for gluing foam materials, foam rubber, leather, wood (used in the production of upholstered furniture)

KLEYBERG P2K extra glue

It is used for gluing foam materials, foam rubber, leather, wood (used in the production of upholstered furniture)


It is used for gluing foam materials, foam rubber, leather, wood (used in the production of upholstered furniture)


It is used for gluing foam materials, foam rubber, leather, wood (used in the production of upholstered furniture)


It is used for fastening sound-insulating upholstery materials to painted and unpainted metal when assembling cars

KLEYBERG rubber glue C-01

It is used for gluing rubber products, textiles, paper, as well as in the shoe industry


It is used for bonding rubber, leather, fabric, wood


It is used for gluing leather, rubber, polyurethane, PVC, hard plastics such as ABS, metal, chipboard, paper, cardboard, fabric


It is used for gluing leather, rubber, polyurethane, PVC, hard plastics such as ABS, metal, chipboard, paper, cardboard, fabric

Rubber compound 1747 CT

Working temperature range: From -35 to +70, Hardness: 55-70, Working environment: air, water

Rubber compound IRP-1068

Working temperature range: From -30 to +100, Hardness: 65-95, Working environment: oils, fuel, lubricants

Rubber compound IRP-1293

Working temperature range: From -10 to +100, Hardness: 65-95, Working environment: oils, fuel, lubricants

Rubber compound 7-IRP-1078

Operating temperature range: From -30 to +100, Hardness: 70-80IRND, Working medium: oils, mineral lubricants

Rubber compound 7-57-5046

Operating temperature range: From -50 to +125, Hardness: 70-80IRND, Working medium: oils, mineral lubricants

Rubber compound 7-57-5037

Operating temperature range: From -40 to +125, Hardness: 55-65IRND, Working medium: oils, mineral lubricants

Rubber compound ShTMS-45A (RShM-2)

Working environment: for cable sheaths operating in medium to light conditions

Rubber compound ShN-50 (RSHN-1)

Working environment: oil-resistant rubber for cable sheaths operating in harsh conditions

Rubber compound ShMK-45U (RShM-2)

Working environment: for cable sheaths working in harsh conditions

Rubber compound ShBTM-40 A (RShT-2)

Working environment: for cable sheaths operating in medium to light conditions

Rubber compound TSSh-33A-1 (RTI-1)

Working environment: for insulation of current-carrying conductors

Rubber compound TSSh-33AN (RTI-1)

Working environment: for insulation of current-carrying conductors

Rubber compound ISHM-45HL (RTISH)

Working environment: for insulation of the protective sheath of cable products operating in medium and light conditions

Rubber compound ISHM-45HL (RTISH)

Working environment: for insulation of the protective sheath of cable products operating in medium and light conditions

Rubber compound 7-NO-68-1

Working temperature range: From -50 to +100, Hardness: 55-70, Working environment: oils, fuel, lubricants

Rubber compound 7-IRP-1352

Working temperature range: From -60 to +100, Hardness: 50-60, Working environment: air, water, weak solutions of acids and alkalis

Rubber compound 7-IRP-1348

Working temperature range: From -50 to +80, Hardness: 45-80, Working environment: air, water, weak solutions of acids and alkalis

Rubber compound 7-IRP-1347

Working temperature range: From -60 to + 80, Hardness: 45-60, Working environment: air, water, weak solutions of acids and alkalis

Rubber compound 7-IRP-1346

Working temperature range: From -60 to + 80, Hardness: 40-50, Working environment: air, water, weak solutions of acids and alkalis

Rubber compound 7-IRP-1315

Working temperature range: From -50 to + 80, Hardness: 60-70, Working environment: air, water, weak solutions of acids and alkalis

Rubber compound 7-B-14-1

Working temperature range: from -50 to + 100, Hardness: 75-85, Working environment: air, oils, lubricants, fuel

Rubber compound 7-B-14-1

Working temperature range: from -50 to + 100, Hardness: 75-85, Working environment: air, oils, lubricants, fuel

Rubber compound 7-57-9003

Operating temperature range From -50 to + 100, Hardness: 55-65IRND, Working medium: oils, mineral lubricants

Rubber compound 7-57-6045

Working temperature range: From -45 to + 110, Hardness: 48-60, Working medium: water, coolants

Rubber compound 7-57-2012

Working temperature range: From -45 to + 70, Hardness: 62-72, Working environment: air, weak solutions of acids and alkalis

Rubber compound 7-57-1008

Working temperature range: From -45 to + 70, Hardness: 45-55, Working environment: air, weak solutions of acids and alkalis

Rubber compound 7-57-1008

Working temperature range: From -45 to + 70, Hardness: 45-55, Working environment: air, weak solutions of acids and alkalis

Rubber compound 7-51-3060

Operating temperature range: From -45 to + 100, Hardness: 62-72, Working environment: air, weak solutions of acids and alkalis, brake fluid

TEP (thermoplastic elastomer) for cable sheath

Release form: Granules Color: Natural Processing method: Extrusion Tech. specifications MFR (190/5), g / 10 min: 1-5 Shore A hardness, (at 5s.): 70 ± 2 Density, g / cm³: 1.18 ± 0.02 Conditional tensile strength, MPa: ≤ 7.0 Elongation at break,%: ≤ 550

TPE (thermoplastic elastomer) for the production of seals

Release form: Granules Color: Natural Processing method: Extrusion Tech. specifications MFR (190/5), g / 10 min: 1-7 Shore A hardness, (at 5s.): 38 (D scale) ± 2 Density, g / cm³: 1.08 ± 0.2 Conditional tensile strength , MPa: ≤ 10 Elongation at break,%: ≤ 550

TEP (thermoplastic elastomer) for cable sheath

Release form: Granules Color: Black Processing method: Extrusion Tech. specifications MFR (190/5), g / 10 min: 1-5 Shore A hardness, (at 5s.): 60 ± 2 Density, g / cm³: 1.18 ± 0.02 Conditional tensile strength, MPa: ≤ 5.0 Elongation at break,%: ≤ 550

Silicone profile

Hardness: 40 to 70 Shore A, various geometries. Operating temperature range: -50 ° C to + 250 ° C. Resistance to aggressive media. Various colors.

Silicone tube

Hardness: 40 to 70 Shore AB Outside diameter: 3 to 40 mm Wall thickness: 1 mm Operating temperature range: -50C to + 250C Resistance to aggressive media Various colors

Silicone cord

Monolithic or silicone. Diameter: from 2 to 30 mm. Operating temperature range: from -50 ° C to + 250 ° C. Resistance to aggressive media. Various colors.

Silicone cable

Monolithic or porous.Diameter: from 2 to 30 mm.Working temperature: from -50°С to +250°С.Resistance to aggressive environments.A variety of colors.

Silicone gasket

Hardness: from 30 to 70 Shore A units Dimensions: up to 500 mm Operating temperature range: from -50C to + 250C Resistance to aggressive media Various colors

liquid chelated fertilizer "ORGANOMIX"

Water-soluble microelement chelate – Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Co, Mo, B, Mg, S. macronutrient chelate Kalium (CO), Phosphorus (P2O5), Total Nitrogen (N), including. NH2, with organic acids (hydroxyethylenediphosphonic, citric, succínico). Including, Dihydroquercetin (Taxifolina) is a high active natural antioxidant and bioestimuladores. Accelerate the penetration and introduction of micro-, macro-elements through the epidermis into the plant. For intensive farming. For all types of plants. For foliage spraying. For bio, applied before sowing to protect seeds and seedlings from disease.

Corn starch GLETEL ADM

LLC «ND – tehnik» Branch in Svetlograd City, Stavropolsky KraySVETLOGRAD STARCH PLANT356530, the Russian Federation, Stavropolsky Kray, Svetlograd City, Privokzalnaya Street 18Tel / fax (86547) 4-45-67, 4-11-69 e-mail: www.nd-tehnik.ruSPECIFICATION OF PRODUCTGLETEL ADM (E1422)DefinitionModified Waxy corn starchCountry of OriginRussiaProduct CharacteristicsContent: GLETEL ADM – 100% starchOrganoleptic properties:Property Characteristics of propertyAppearanceFine-disperse homogeneous powderColorWhite or white with a yellowish tingeSmell and tasteNeutral, with a light acetic vinegar tintPhysical and chemical properties:Name of the propertyValue of the propertyMass proportion of moisture,% not more than13,0Mass proportion of ash,% not more than0,30Viscosity on viscosimeter Brookfield,100 rev/min mPasxc, 5 % suspension, Spindle № 62, not less than t + 92 ° C – 1100, after cooling it forms a thick gelpH in solution5,5-7,0Protein content,%, maximum 0,4Microbiological properties:QMAFAnM (The number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms), CFU / g, not more than 1 х 10 4Mass of product (g) which are not allowedin BKGP (coliforms)0.01 Pathogenic,including Salmonella25Molds and yeast, CFU/ g 250Toxic elements (mg / kg) and radio-nuclides (Bq / kg)Lead, mg / kg, not more than0,5Cadmium, mg / kg, not more than 0,1Arsenic, mg / kg, not more than0,5Mercury, mg / kg, not more than 0,02Pesticides, not more than Hexachlorocyclohexan and its isomers 0,5DDT (Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane) and its metabolites 0,05Radio-nuclides, not more than Cesium-137400Strontium-90 100Packaging:Paper bags of 25 kgShelf life and storage conditions:Store in dry warehouses at temperature not exceeding 20 ° C and with relative humidity not more than 75%. Shelf life is 24 months from the date of production.Nutritional and energy value in 100 g of starch:Energy value 1390/332 kJ / kcalTechnological features:It is used as a thickener and stabilizer. High viscosity, short texture of the finished product, high transparency. Increases the shelf life of the finished product. Resistant to boiling, high temperatures, low pH, intensive mechanical loadings, cycles of freezing-thawing.Recommendations for application:The required amount of starch is determined experimentally and depends on the composition of the product and the required texture. To prevent the formation of lumps, starch is recommended to be mixed with other dry ingredients in the recipe before adding to water. Resistant to mixing and pumpingApplication in the food industry:- in the dairy industry;- in the confectionery industry;- in the production of jams, fruit fillers;- in the production of ketchups, sauces and mayonnaise (“hot” way of cooking);- in the canning industry. Application in the food industry:- in the dairy industry;- in the confectionery industry;- in the production of jams, fruit fillers;- in the production of ketchups, sauces and mayonnaise (“hot” way of cooking);- in the canning industry.

Brewed corn starch GLETEL ADM

Organoleptic indicators: Indicator Characteristic of the indicator Appearance Finely dispersed homogeneous powder Color White or white with a yellowish tinge Odor and taste Neutral, with a slight vinegar tinge 100 rpm, mPa × s, 5% suspension, nozzle No. 64, not less than t +85 oС – 1500, after cooling forms a thick gel pH in solution 5.0-7.0 Protein content,%, maximum 0.4 Microbiological parameters QMAFAnM, CFU / g, no more than 1 х 10 5 Mass of the product (g), in which BCGP (coliforms) are not allowed 0.01 Pathogenic, incl. Salmonella 25 Mold and yeast, CFU / g 500 Toxic elements (mg / kg) and radionuclides (Bq / kg) Lead, mg / kg, no more than 0.5 Cadmium, mg / kg, no more than 0.1 Arsenic, mg / kg, no more than 0.5 Mercury, mg / kg, no more than 0.02 Pesticides, no more Hexachlorocyclohexane its isomers 0.5 DDT and its metabolites 0.05 Radionuclides, no more Cesium-137400 Strontium-90 100 Application in the food industry: – in the dairy industry; – in the confectionery industry and bakery products; – in the production of jams, fruit fillers; – in the production of ketchup, sauces and mayonnaise; – in the canning industry.

Brewed corn starch GLETEL ADM

Organoleptic indicators: Indicator Characteristic of the indicator Appearance Finely dispersed homogeneous powder Color White or white with a yellowish tinge Odor and taste Neutral, with a slight vinegar tinge 100 rpm, mPa × s, 5% suspension, nozzle No. 64, not less than t +85 oС – 1500, after cooling forms a thick gel pH in solution 5.0-7.0 Protein content,%, maximum 0.4 Microbiological parameters QMAFAnM, CFU / g, no more than 1 х 10 5 Mass of the product (g), in which BCGP (coliforms) are not allowed 0.01 Pathogenic, incl. Salmonella 25 Mold and yeast, CFU / g 500 Toxic elements (mg / kg) and radionuclides (Bq / kg) Lead, mg / kg, no more than 0.5 Cadmium, mg / kg, no more than 0.1 Arsenic, mg / kg, no more than 0.5 Mercury, mg / kg, no more than 0.02 Pesticides, no more Hexachlorocyclohexane its isomers 0.5 DDT and its metabolites 0.05 Radionuclides, no more Cesium-137400 Strontium-90 100 Application in the food industry: – in the dairy industry; – in the confectionery industry and bakery products; – in the production of jams, fruit fillers; – in the production of ketchup, sauces and mayonnaise; – in the canning industry.

Brewed corn starch GLETEL ADM

Organoleptic indicators: Indicator Characteristic of the indicator Appearance Finely dispersed homogeneous powder Color White or white with a yellowish tinge Odor and taste Neutral, with a slight vinegar tinge 100 rpm, mPa × s, 5% suspension, nozzle No. 64, not less than t +85 oС – 1500, after cooling forms a thick gel pH in solution 5.0-7.0 Protein content,%, maximum 0.4 Microbiological parameters QMAFAnM, CFU / g, no more than 1 х 10 5 Mass of the product (g), in which BCGP (coliforms) are not allowed 0.01 Pathogenic, incl. Salmonella 25 Mold and yeast, CFU / g 500 Toxic elements (mg / kg) and radionuclides (Bq / kg) Lead, mg / kg, no more than 0.5 Cadmium, mg / kg, no more than 0.1 Arsenic, mg / kg, no more than 0.5 Mercury, mg / kg, no more than 0.02 Pesticides, no more Hexachlorocyclohexane its isomers 0.5 DDT and its metabolites 0.05 Radionuclides, no more Cesium-137400 Strontium-90 100 Application in the food industry: – in the dairy industry; – in the confectionery industry and bakery products; – in the production of jams, fruit fillers; – in the production of ketchup, sauces and mayonnaise; – in the canning industry.

Corn starch

Svetlogradskiy starch plant has been offering its products to customers for more than 10 years. The use of the latest technologies, the equipment of production with modern technology and the professionalism of our employees allow the plant to achieve excellent product quality. Our native corn starch is a premium product that complies with GOST 32159-2013.

Brewed corn starch GLETEL ADM

Organoleptic indicators: Indicator Characteristic of the indicator Appearance Finely dispersed homogeneous powder Color White or white with a yellowish tinge Odor and taste Neutral, with a slight vinegar tinge 100 rpm, mPa × s, 5% suspension, nozzle No. 64, not less than t +85 oС – 1500, after cooling forms a thick gel pH in solution 5.0-7.0 Protein content,%, maximum 0.4 Microbiological parameters QMAFAnM, CFU / g, no more than 1 х 10 5 Mass of the product (g), in which BCGP (coliforms) are not allowed 0.01 Pathogenic, incl. Salmonella 25 Mold and yeast, CFU / g 500 Toxic elements (mg / kg) and radionuclides (Bq / kg) Lead, mg / kg, no more than 0.5 Cadmium, mg / kg, no more than 0.1 Arsenic, mg / kg, no more than 0.5 Mercury, mg / kg, no more than 0.02 Pesticides, no more Hexachlorocyclohexane its isomers 0.5 DDT and its metabolites 0.05 Radionuclides, no more Cesium-137400 Strontium-90 100 Application in the food industry: – in the dairy industry; – in the confectionery industry and bakery products; – in the production of jams, fruit fillers; – in the production of ketchup, sauces and mayonnaise; – in the canning industry.

Corn starch

Svetlogradskiy starch plant has been offering its products to customers for more than 10 years. The use of the latest technologies, the equipment of production with modern technology and the professionalism of our employees allow the plant to achieve excellent product quality. Our native corn starch is a premium product that complies with GOST 32159-2013.

Brewed corn starch GLETEL ADM

Organoleptic indicators: Indicator Characteristic of the indicator Appearance Finely dispersed homogeneous powder Color White or white with a yellowish tinge Odor and taste Neutral, with a slight vinegar tinge 100 rpm, mPa × s, 5% suspension, nozzle No. 64, not less than t +85 oС – 1500, after cooling forms a thick gel pH in solution 5.0-7.0 Protein content,%, maximum 0.4 Microbiological parameters QMAFAnM, CFU / g, no more than 1 х 10 5 Mass of the product (g), in which BCGP (coliforms) are not allowed 0.01 Pathogenic, incl. Salmonella 25 Mold and yeast, CFU / g 500 Toxic elements (mg / kg) and radionuclides (Bq / kg) Lead, mg / kg, no more than 0.5 Cadmium, mg / kg, no more than 0.1 Arsenic, mg / kg, no more than 0.5 Mercury, mg / kg, no more than 0.02 Pesticides, no more Hexachlorocyclohexane its isomers 0.5 DDT and its metabolites 0.05 Radionuclides, no more Cesium-137400 Strontium-90 100 Application in the food industry: – in the dairy industry; – in the confectionery industry and bakery products; – in the production of jams, fruit fillers; – in the production of ketchup, sauces and mayonnaise; – in the canning industry.

Corn starch GLETEL ADM

LLC «ND – tehnik» Branch in Svetlograd City, Stavropolsky KraySVETLOGRAD STARCH PLANT356530, the Russian Federation, Stavropolsky Kray, Svetlograd City, Privokzalnaya Street 18Tel / fax (86547) 4-45-67, 4-11-69 e-mail: www.nd-tehnik.ruSPECIFICATION OF PRODUCTGLETEL ADM (E1422)DefinitionModified Waxy corn starchCountry of OriginRussiaProduct CharacteristicsContent: GLETEL ADM – 100% starchOrganoleptic properties:Property Characteristics of propertyAppearanceFine-disperse homogeneous powderColorWhite or white with a yellowish tingeSmell and tasteNeutral, with a light acetic vinegar tintPhysical and chemical properties:Name of the propertyValue of the propertyMass proportion of moisture,% not more than13,0Mass proportion of ash,% not more than0,30Viscosity on viscosimeter Brookfield,100 rev/min mPasxc, 5 % suspension, Spindle № 62, not less than t + 92 ° C – 1100, after cooling it forms a thick gelpH in solution5,5-7,0Protein content,%, maximum 0,4Microbiological properties:QMAFAnM (The number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms), CFU / g, not more than 1 х 10 4Mass of product (g) which are not allowedin BKGP (coliforms)0.01 Pathogenic,including Salmonella25Molds and yeast, CFU/ g 250Toxic elements (mg / kg) and radio-nuclides (Bq / kg)Lead, mg / kg, not more than0,5Cadmium, mg / kg, not more than 0,1Arsenic, mg / kg, not more than0,5Mercury, mg / kg, not more than 0,02Pesticides, not more than Hexachlorocyclohexan and its isomers 0,5DDT (Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane) and its metabolites 0,05Radio-nuclides, not more than Cesium-137400Strontium-90 100Packaging:Paper bags of 25 kgShelf life and storage conditions:Store in dry warehouses at temperature not exceeding 20 ° C and with relative humidity not more than 75%. Shelf life is 24 months from the date of production.Nutritional and energy value in 100 g of starch:Energy value 1390/332 kJ / kcalTechnological features:It is used as a thickener and stabilizer. High viscosity, short texture of the finished product, high transparency. Increases the shelf life of the finished product. Resistant to boiling, high temperatures, low pH, intensive mechanical loadings, cycles of freezing-thawing.Recommendations for application:The required amount of starch is determined experimentally and depends on the composition of the product and the required texture. To prevent the formation of lumps, starch is recommended to be mixed with other dry ingredients in the recipe before adding to water. Resistant to mixing and pumpingApplication in the food industry:- in the dairy industry;- in the confectionery industry;- in the production of jams, fruit fillers;- in the production of ketchups, sauces and mayonnaise (“hot” way of cooking);- in the canning industry. Application in the food industry:- in the dairy industry;- in the confectionery industry;- in the production of jams, fruit fillers;- in the production of ketchups, sauces and mayonnaise (“hot” way of cooking);- in the canning industry.

Brewed corn starch GLETEL ADM

Organoleptic indicators: Indicator Characteristic of the indicator Appearance Finely dispersed homogeneous powder Color White or white with a yellowish tinge Odor and taste Neutral, with a slight vinegar tinge 100 rpm, mPa × s, 5% suspension, nozzle No. 64, not less than t +85 oС – 1500, after cooling forms a thick gel pH in solution 5.0-7.0 Protein content,%, maximum 0.4 Microbiological parameters QMAFAnM, CFU / g, no more than 1 х 10 5 Mass of the product (g), in which BCGP (coliforms) are not allowed 0.01 Pathogenic, incl. Salmonella 25 Mold and yeast, CFU / g 500 Toxic elements (mg / kg) and radionuclides (Bq / kg) Lead, mg / kg, no more than 0.5 Cadmium, mg / kg, no more than 0.1 Arsenic, mg / kg, no more than 0.5 Mercury, mg / kg, no more than 0.02 Pesticides, no more Hexachlorocyclohexane its isomers 0.5 DDT and its metabolites 0.05 Radionuclides, no more Cesium-137400 Strontium-90 100 Application in the food industry: – in the dairy industry; – in the confectionery industry and bakery products; – in the production of jams, fruit fillers; – in the production of ketchup, sauces and mayonnaise; – in the canning industry.

Corn starch GLETEL ADM

LLC «ND – tehnik» Branch in Svetlograd City, Stavropolsky KraySVETLOGRAD STARCH PLANT356530, the Russian Federation, Stavropolsky Kray, Svetlograd City, Privokzalnaya Street 18Tel / fax (86547) 4-45-67, 4-11-69 e-mail: www.nd-tehnik.ruSPECIFICATION OF PRODUCTGLETEL ADM (E1422)DefinitionModified Waxy corn starchCountry of OriginRussiaProduct CharacteristicsContent: GLETEL ADM – 100% starchOrganoleptic properties:Property Characteristics of propertyAppearanceFine-disperse homogeneous powderColorWhite or white with a yellowish tingeSmell and tasteNeutral, with a light acetic vinegar tintPhysical and chemical properties:Name of the propertyValue of the propertyMass proportion of moisture,% not more than13,0Mass proportion of ash,% not more than0,30Viscosity on viscosimeter Brookfield,100 rev/min mPasxc, 5 % suspension, Spindle № 62, not less than t + 92 ° C – 1100, after cooling it forms a thick gelpH in solution5,5-7,0Protein content,%, maximum 0,4Microbiological properties:QMAFAnM (The number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms), CFU / g, not more than 1 х 10 4Mass of product (g) which are not allowedin BKGP (coliforms)0.01 Pathogenic,including Salmonella25Molds and yeast, CFU/ g 250Toxic elements (mg / kg) and radio-nuclides (Bq / kg)Lead, mg / kg, not more than0,5Cadmium, mg / kg, not more than 0,1Arsenic, mg / kg, not more than0,5Mercury, mg / kg, not more than 0,02Pesticides, not more than Hexachlorocyclohexan and its isomers 0,5DDT (Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane) and its metabolites 0,05Radio-nuclides, not more than Cesium-137400Strontium-90 100Packaging:Paper bags of 25 kgShelf life and storage conditions:Store in dry warehouses at temperature not exceeding 20 ° C and with relative humidity not more than 75%. Shelf life is 24 months from the date of production.Nutritional and energy value in 100 g of starch:Energy value 1390/332 kJ / kcalTechnological features:It is used as a thickener and stabilizer. High viscosity, short texture of the finished product, high transparency. Increases the shelf life of the finished product. Resistant to boiling, high temperatures, low pH, intensive mechanical loadings, cycles of freezing-thawing.Recommendations for application:The required amount of starch is determined experimentally and depends on the composition of the product and the required texture. To prevent the formation of lumps, starch is recommended to be mixed with other dry ingredients in the recipe before adding to water. Resistant to mixing and pumpingApplication in the food industry:- in the dairy industry;- in the confectionery industry;- in the production of jams, fruit fillers;- in the production of ketchups, sauces and mayonnaise (“hot” way of cooking);- in the canning industry. Application in the food industry:- in the dairy industry;- in the confectionery industry;- in the production of jams, fruit fillers;- in the production of ketchups, sauces and mayonnaise (“hot” way of cooking);- in the canning industry.

boiled corn starch FSM

Packaging: Paper bags of 20 and 25 kg, polypropylene bags of 30 kg. Storage period and conditions: Store in dry warehouses at a temperature not exceeding 200C and a relative humidity of not more than 75%. Shelf life 24 months from the date of production. Nutritional and energy value in 100 g of starch: Energy value 1390/332 kJ / kcal Technological features: High viscosity, short texture of the finished product, transparency, neutral taste. Resistant to temperature and mechanical stress. Acts as a stabilizer and thickener. Application in the food industry: – in baby food; – in the dairy industry; – in meat and sausage products; – in the canning industry; – in the oil and fat industry; – in the confectionery industry and bakery products; For technical purposes: – in the production of latex products ; – in the cosmetic industry.

Brewed corn starch GLETEL ADM

Organoleptic indicators: Indicator Characteristic of the indicator Appearance Finely dispersed homogeneous powder Color White or white with a yellowish tinge Odor and taste Neutral, with a slight vinegar tinge 100 rpm, mPa × s, 5% suspension, nozzle No. 64, not less than t +85 oС – 1500, after cooling forms a thick gel pH in solution 5.0-7.0 Protein content,%, maximum 0.4 Microbiological parameters QMAFAnM, CFU / g, no more than 1 х 10 5 Mass of the product (g), in which BCGP (coliforms) are not allowed 0.01 Pathogenic, incl. Salmonella 25 Mold and yeast, CFU / g 500 Toxic elements (mg / kg) and radionuclides (Bq / kg) Lead, mg / kg, no more than 0.5 Cadmium, mg / kg, no more than 0.1 Arsenic, mg / kg, no more than 0.5 Mercury, mg / kg, no more than 0.02 Pesticides, no more Hexachlorocyclohexane its isomers 0.5 DDT and its metabolites 0.05 Radionuclides, no more Cesium-137400 Strontium-90 100 Application in the food industry: – in the dairy industry; – in the confectionery industry and bakery products; – in the production of jams, fruit fillers; – in the production of ketchup, sauces and mayonnaise; – in the canning industry.

Corn starch GLETEL ADM

LLC «ND – tehnik» Branch in Svetlograd City, Stavropolsky KraySVETLOGRAD STARCH PLANT356530, the Russian Federation, Stavropolsky Kray, Svetlograd City, Privokzalnaya Street 18Tel / fax (86547) 4-45-67, 4-11-69 e-mail: www.nd-tehnik.ruSPECIFICATION OF PRODUCTGLETEL ADM (E1422)DefinitionModified Waxy corn starchCountry of OriginRussiaProduct CharacteristicsContent: GLETEL ADM – 100% starchOrganoleptic properties:Property Characteristics of propertyAppearanceFine-disperse homogeneous powderColorWhite or white with a yellowish tingeSmell and tasteNeutral, with a light acetic vinegar tintPhysical and chemical properties:Name of the propertyValue of the propertyMass proportion of moisture,% not more than13,0Mass proportion of ash,% not more than0,30Viscosity on viscosimeter Brookfield,100 rev/min mPasxc, 5 % suspension, Spindle № 62, not less than t + 92 ° C – 1100, after cooling it forms a thick gelpH in solution5,5-7,0Protein content,%, maximum 0,4Microbiological properties:QMAFAnM (The number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms), CFU / g, not more than 1 х 10 4Mass of product (g) which are not allowedin BKGP (coliforms)0.01 Pathogenic,including Salmonella25Molds and yeast, CFU/ g 250Toxic elements (mg / kg) and radio-nuclides (Bq / kg)Lead, mg / kg, not more than0,5Cadmium, mg / kg, not more than 0,1Arsenic, mg / kg, not more than0,5Mercury, mg / kg, not more than 0,02Pesticides, not more than Hexachlorocyclohexan and its isomers 0,5DDT (Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane) and its metabolites 0,05Radio-nuclides, not more than Cesium-137400Strontium-90 100Packaging:Paper bags of 25 kgShelf life and storage conditions:Store in dry warehouses at temperature not exceeding 20 ° C and with relative humidity not more than 75%. Shelf life is 24 months from the date of production.Nutritional and energy value in 100 g of starch:Energy value 1390/332 kJ / kcalTechnological features:It is used as a thickener and stabilizer. High viscosity, short texture of the finished product, high transparency. Increases the shelf life of the finished product. Resistant to boiling, high temperatures, low pH, intensive mechanical loadings, cycles of freezing-thawing.Recommendations for application:The required amount of starch is determined experimentally and depends on the composition of the product and the required texture. To prevent the formation of lumps, starch is recommended to be mixed with other dry ingredients in the recipe before adding to water. Resistant to mixing and pumpingApplication in the food industry:- in the dairy industry;- in the confectionery industry;- in the production of jams, fruit fillers;- in the production of ketchups, sauces and mayonnaise (“hot” way of cooking);- in the canning industry. Application in the food industry:- in the dairy industry;- in the confectionery industry;- in the production of jams, fruit fillers;- in the production of ketchups, sauces and mayonnaise (“hot” way of cooking);- in the canning industry.

Corn starch GLETEL ADM

LLC «ND – tehnik» Branch in Svetlograd City, Stavropolsky KraySVETLOGRAD STARCH PLANT356530, the Russian Federation, Stavropolsky Kray, Svetlograd City, Privokzalnaya Street 18Tel / fax (86547) 4-45-67, 4-11-69 e-mail: www.nd-tehnik.ruSPECIFICATION OF PRODUCTGLETEL ADM (E1422)DefinitionModified Waxy corn starchCountry of OriginRussiaProduct CharacteristicsContent: GLETEL ADM – 100% starchOrganoleptic properties:Property Characteristics of propertyAppearanceFine-disperse homogeneous powderColorWhite or white with a yellowish tingeSmell and tasteNeutral, with a light acetic vinegar tintPhysical and chemical properties:Name of the propertyValue of the propertyMass proportion of moisture,% not more than13,0Mass proportion of ash,% not more than0,30Viscosity on viscosimeter Brookfield,100 rev/min mPasxc, 5 % suspension, Spindle № 62, not less than t + 92 ° C – 1100, after cooling it forms a thick gelpH in solution5,5-7,0Protein content,%, maximum 0,4Microbiological properties:QMAFAnM (The number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms), CFU / g, not more than 1 х 10 4Mass of product (g) which are not allowedin BKGP (coliforms)0.01 Pathogenic,including Salmonella25Molds and yeast, CFU/ g 250Toxic elements (mg / kg) and radio-nuclides (Bq / kg)Lead, mg / kg, not more than0,5Cadmium, mg / kg, not more than 0,1Arsenic, mg / kg, not more than0,5Mercury, mg / kg, not more than 0,02Pesticides, not more than Hexachlorocyclohexan and its isomers 0,5DDT (Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane) and its metabolites 0,05Radio-nuclides, not more than Cesium-137400Strontium-90 100Packaging:Paper bags of 25 kgShelf life and storage conditions:Store in dry warehouses at temperature not exceeding 20 ° C and with relative humidity not more than 75%. Shelf life is 24 months from the date of production.Nutritional and energy value in 100 g of starch:Energy value 1390/332 kJ / kcalTechnological features:It is used as a thickener and stabilizer. High viscosity, short texture of the finished product, high transparency. Increases the shelf life of the finished product. Resistant to boiling, high temperatures, low pH, intensive mechanical loadings, cycles of freezing-thawing.Recommendations for application:The required amount of starch is determined experimentally and depends on the composition of the product and the required texture. To prevent the formation of lumps, starch is recommended to be mixed with other dry ingredients in the recipe before adding to water. Resistant to mixing and pumpingApplication in the food industry:- in the dairy industry;- in the confectionery industry;- in the production of jams, fruit fillers;- in the production of ketchups, sauces and mayonnaise (“hot” way of cooking);- in the canning industry. Application in the food industry:- in the dairy industry;- in the confectionery industry;- in the production of jams, fruit fillers;- in the production of ketchups, sauces and mayonnaise (“hot” way of cooking);- in the canning industry.

Corn starch GLETEL ADM

LLC «ND – tehnik» Branch in Svetlograd City, Stavropolsky KraySVETLOGRAD STARCH PLANT356530, the Russian Federation, Stavropolsky Kray, Svetlograd City, Privokzalnaya Street 18Tel / fax (86547) 4-45-67, 4-11-69 e-mail: www.nd-tehnik.ruSPECIFICATION OF PRODUCTGLETEL ADM (E1422)DefinitionModified Waxy corn starchCountry of OriginRussiaProduct CharacteristicsContent: GLETEL ADM – 100% starchOrganoleptic properties:Property Characteristics of propertyAppearanceFine-disperse homogeneous powderColorWhite or white with a yellowish tingeSmell and tasteNeutral, with a light acetic vinegar tintPhysical and chemical properties:Name of the propertyValue of the propertyMass proportion of moisture,% not more than13,0Mass proportion of ash,% not more than0,30Viscosity on viscosimeter Brookfield,100 rev/min mPasxc, 5 % suspension, Spindle № 62, not less than t + 92 ° C – 1100, after cooling it forms a thick gelpH in solution5,5-7,0Protein content,%, maximum 0,4Microbiological properties:QMAFAnM (The number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms), CFU / g, not more than 1 х 10 4Mass of product (g) which are not allowedin BKGP (coliforms)0.01 Pathogenic,including Salmonella25Molds and yeast, CFU/ g 250Toxic elements (mg / kg) and radio-nuclides (Bq / kg)Lead, mg / kg, not more than0,5Cadmium, mg / kg, not more than 0,1Arsenic, mg / kg, not more than0,5Mercury, mg / kg, not more than 0,02Pesticides, not more than Hexachlorocyclohexan and its isomers 0,5DDT (Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane) and its metabolites 0,05Radio-nuclides, not more than Cesium-137400Strontium-90 100Packaging:Paper bags of 25 kgShelf life and storage conditions:Store in dry warehouses at temperature not exceeding 20 ° C and with relative humidity not more than 75%. Shelf life is 24 months from the date of production.Nutritional and energy value in 100 g of starch:Energy value 1390/332 kJ / kcalTechnological features:It is used as a thickener and stabilizer. High viscosity, short texture of the finished product, high transparency. Increases the shelf life of the finished product. Resistant to boiling, high temperatures, low pH, intensive mechanical loadings, cycles of freezing-thawing.Recommendations for application:The required amount of starch is determined experimentally and depends on the composition of the product and the required texture. To prevent the formation of lumps, starch is recommended to be mixed with other dry ingredients in the recipe before adding to water. Resistant to mixing and pumpingApplication in the food industry:- in the dairy industry;- in the confectionery industry;- in the production of jams, fruit fillers;- in the production of ketchups, sauces and mayonnaise (“hot” way of cooking);- in the canning industry. Application in the food industry:- in the dairy industry;- in the confectionery industry;- in the production of jams, fruit fillers;- in the production of ketchups, sauces and mayonnaise (“hot” way of cooking);- in the canning industry.

Corn starch GLETEL ADM

LLC «ND – tehnik» Branch in Svetlograd City, Stavropolsky KraySVETLOGRAD STARCH PLANT356530, the Russian Federation, Stavropolsky Kray, Svetlograd City, Privokzalnaya Street 18Tel / fax (86547) 4-45-67, 4-11-69 e-mail: www.nd-tehnik.ruSPECIFICATION OF PRODUCTGLETEL ADM (E1422)DefinitionModified Waxy corn starchCountry of OriginRussiaProduct CharacteristicsContent: GLETEL ADM – 100% starchOrganoleptic properties:Property Characteristics of propertyAppearanceFine-disperse homogeneous powderColorWhite or white with a yellowish tingeSmell and tasteNeutral, with a light acetic vinegar tintPhysical and chemical properties:Name of the propertyValue of the propertyMass proportion of moisture,% not more than13,0Mass proportion of ash,% not more than0,30Viscosity on viscosimeter Brookfield,100 rev/min mPasxc, 5 % suspension, Spindle № 62, not less than t + 92 ° C – 1100, after cooling it forms a thick gelpH in solution5,5-7,0Protein content,%, maximum 0,4Microbiological properties:QMAFAnM (The number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms), CFU / g, not more than 1 х 10 4Mass of product (g) which are not allowedin BKGP (coliforms)0.01 Pathogenic,including Salmonella25Molds and yeast, CFU/ g 250Toxic elements (mg / kg) and radio-nuclides (Bq / kg)Lead, mg / kg, not more than0,5Cadmium, mg / kg, not more than 0,1Arsenic, mg / kg, not more than0,5Mercury, mg / kg, not more than 0,02Pesticides, not more than Hexachlorocyclohexan and its isomers 0,5DDT (Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane) and its metabolites 0,05Radio-nuclides, not more than Cesium-137400Strontium-90 100Packaging:Paper bags of 25 kgShelf life and storage conditions:Store in dry warehouses at temperature not exceeding 20 ° C and with relative humidity not more than 75%. Shelf life is 24 months from the date of production.Nutritional and energy value in 100 g of starch:Energy value 1390/332 kJ / kcalTechnological features:It is used as a thickener and stabilizer. High viscosity, short texture of the finished product, high transparency. Increases the shelf life of the finished product. Resistant to boiling, high temperatures, low pH, intensive mechanical loadings, cycles of freezing-thawing.Recommendations for application:The required amount of starch is determined experimentally and depends on the composition of the product and the required texture. To prevent the formation of lumps, starch is recommended to be mixed with other dry ingredients in the recipe before adding to water. Resistant to mixing and pumpingApplication in the food industry:- in the dairy industry;- in the confectionery industry;- in the production of jams, fruit fillers;- in the production of ketchups, sauces and mayonnaise (“hot” way of cooking);- in the canning industry. Application in the food industry:- in the dairy industry;- in the confectionery industry;- in the production of jams, fruit fillers;- in the production of ketchups, sauces and mayonnaise (“hot” way of cooking);- in the canning industry.

Corn starch GLETEL ADM

LLC «ND – tehnik» Branch in Svetlograd City, Stavropolsky KraySVETLOGRAD STARCH PLANT356530, the Russian Federation, Stavropolsky Kray, Svetlograd City, Privokzalnaya Street 18Tel / fax (86547) 4-45-67, 4-11-69 e-mail: www.nd-tehnik.ruSPECIFICATION OF PRODUCTGLETEL ADM (E1422)DefinitionModified Waxy corn starchCountry of OriginRussiaProduct CharacteristicsContent: GLETEL ADM – 100% starchOrganoleptic properties:Property Characteristics of propertyAppearanceFine-disperse homogeneous powderColorWhite or white with a yellowish tingeSmell and tasteNeutral, with a light acetic vinegar tintPhysical and chemical properties:Name of the propertyValue of the propertyMass proportion of moisture,% not more than13,0Mass proportion of ash,% not more than0,30Viscosity on viscosimeter Brookfield,100 rev/min mPasxc, 5 % suspension, Spindle № 62, not less than t + 92 ° C – 1100, after cooling it forms a thick gelpH in solution5,5-7,0Protein content,%, maximum 0,4Microbiological properties:QMAFAnM (The number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms), CFU / g, not more than 1 х 10 4Mass of product (g) which are not allowedin BKGP (coliforms)0.01 Pathogenic,including Salmonella25Molds and yeast, CFU/ g 250Toxic elements (mg / kg) and radio-nuclides (Bq / kg)Lead, mg / kg, not more than0,5Cadmium, mg / kg, not more than 0,1Arsenic, mg / kg, not more than0,5Mercury, mg / kg, not more than 0,02Pesticides, not more than Hexachlorocyclohexan and its isomers 0,5DDT (Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane) and its metabolites 0,05Radio-nuclides, not more than Cesium-137400Strontium-90 100Packaging:Paper bags of 25 kgShelf life and storage conditions:Store in dry warehouses at temperature not exceeding 20 ° C and with relative humidity not more than 75%. Shelf life is 24 months from the date of production.Nutritional and energy value in 100 g of starch:Energy value 1390/332 kJ / kcalTechnological features:It is used as a thickener and stabilizer. High viscosity, short texture of the finished product, high transparency. Increases the shelf life of the finished product. Resistant to boiling, high temperatures, low pH, intensive mechanical loadings, cycles of freezing-thawing.Recommendations for application:The required amount of starch is determined experimentally and depends on the composition of the product and the required texture. To prevent the formation of lumps, starch is recommended to be mixed with other dry ingredients in the recipe before adding to water. Resistant to mixing and pumpingApplication in the food industry:- in the dairy industry;- in the confectionery industry;- in the production of jams, fruit fillers;- in the production of ketchups, sauces and mayonnaise (“hot” way of cooking);- in the canning industry. Application in the food industry:- in the dairy industry;- in the confectionery industry;- in the production of jams, fruit fillers;- in the production of ketchups, sauces and mayonnaise (“hot” way of cooking);- in the canning industry.

HDPE granule "secondary".

HDPE granule MTP: from 0.2-5 Tech. Specification of Secondary HDPE: Blow molding

PA-0 grade aluminum powder

Spraying melts with compressed air in inert gases

Organic fertilizer "Klad"

LLC "Bailik" has been dealing with the disposal of poultry manure and the sale of fertilizers from it for many years. The product is an environmentally friendly, highly effective fertilizer. Organic fertilizer from poultry manure surpasses all known organic and mineral fertilizers in a number of positions: the effect of prolonged action for 2-3 years; – there is no pathogenic flora and viable seeds; – not toxic, not fire hazardous, not caked; – shelf life is not limited. The fertilizer has almost no specific smell, contains the whole complex of macro – and microelements necessary for full plant growth. At the request of the consumer, you can change the composition of the fertilizer by adding mineral components, thus obtaining an organo-mineral fertilizer. Composition, according to the quality certificate: 3. Mass fraction of organic matter, in terms of carbon,%, not less than 204. Mass fraction of ash,%, no more than 705. Mass fraction (concentration) of macro- and microelements of plant nutrition: nitrogen,%, not less than 0.5 phosphorus,%, not less than 1.0 potassium,%, not less than 1.0 calcium,%, not less than 0.5 magnesium,%, not less 0.2 iron,%, not less than 0.1 zinc, mg / kg, not more than 20-23 copper, mg / kg, not more than 10 manganese, mg / kg, not more than 300-350 sulfur, mg / kg not more than 42 boron, mg / kg , no more than 4.5 cobalt, mg / kg, no more than 4.5 molybdenum, mg / kg, no more than 0.05-0.076. Acidity, pH 5.5-8.57. Sanitary and hygienic indicators: 1TU The presence of viable eggs and helminth larvae; pathogenic bacteria, including salmonella Not allowed 7.2. Index of sanitary indicative microorganisms (BGKP and enterococci), class / g1-97.3. Mass concentration of impurities of toxic elements, mg / kg, not more, including: 1 Below MPC (APC) for soil lead 6.0 arsenic 1 cadmium 0.5 mercury 1 chromium (mobile forms) 6.0 nickel (mobile forms) 2.07.4. Mass concentration of benzo (a) pyrene, mg / kg, less Not detected 7.5. Effective specific activity (Aeff.) Of natural radioactive substances, Bq / kg (SP 2.b. 1.798-99) 7.5.1. Specific activity of technogenic radionuclides, Bq / kg (l), including: – Cesium-137 – Strontium-90 Absence 7.6. Mass concentration of pesticide residues, mg / kg, less than 2 Organophosphorus pesticides, including: Actellic Below the limit of detection Basudin Below the limit of detection Carbophos Below the limit of detection Phosphamide Below the limit of detection Organochlorine pesticides, including: Heptachlor Below the limit of detection for HCHC total quantities) Below the limit of detection Keltan Below the limit of detection HAZARD CLASS (toxicity): IV (low-hazard substances) – GOST 12.1.007-76. SHELF LIFE: Unlimited FIRE AND EXPLOSION-PROOF HYGIENIC CONCLUSION No. dated 11.11.03 issued by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation The fertilizer is used in agriculture.

Titanium ingots

Good afternoon, colleagues! We bring to your attention the shipment to your address of Titanium of a chemical element with serial number 22, grades VT1-00 and VT1-0, there are also other grades. Titanium and its alloys combine lightness and strength plus the ability to work in a wide temperature range from -290 to +600 degrees. The field of application is aviation, navy, artillery, transport, chemical industry as well as medicine. The material we have available in ingots with a diameter of 370-500 mm produced by VSMPO-AVISMA has been removed from the state reserve. Upon shipment, ingots undergo chemical analysis and ultrasonic testing to confirm their brand. The field of application is aviation, navy, artillery, transport, chemical industry as well as medicine.

Marble products (Blocks, slabs, slabs, monuments, countertops, stairs, balusters, etc.)

Region. Mining. The Kibik-Kordonskoye marble deposit is the largest in the region of Russia and the CIS, located in the Republic of Khakassia, 25 km from Sayanogorsk. The license for the mining industry in the quarry belongs to OJSC "MKK-Holding" Balance reserves of marble – 65.6 million. m3, the extraction is carried out by the open method. OJSC "MKK-Holding" mines marble of various shades, the most common of which are cream, pink, gray, white, dark brown. More than 10 shades in total. The physical and mechanical properties of Sayan marble are in many ways different from most competitors, guaranteeing the durability of products made from it. OJSC "MKK-Holding" owns its own mining plant "Sayanmramor", one of the largest in the extraction and manufacture of blocks, slabs, slabs. The plant has existed since 1973, and during its existence has proved to be a reliable supplier of marble products for public and private sectors. Great importance was given to the supply of marble tiles during the construction of the Moscow Metro. The plant produces standard slabs, thickness 20-30 mm, which are widely used in the manufacture of marble products: countertops, window sills, stairs, steps, balusters, architectural and construction parts, etc. volumes, and also accepts individual orders any size for client's projects. It is used in construction, decoration of buildings and structures, in the private sector.


Special fencing is used as security fencing of objects and territories belonging to industrial enterprises, objects of state importance, objects providing for an enhanced security regime (bridges, hydroelectric power plants, gas refinery, distribution complexes of the base). Those. specifications The spiral safety barrier is made of AKL (reinforced barbed tape), the base is rigid galvanized wire d 2.5 mm. Implementation in coils 10 meters, weight, volume depends on the parameters of the barrier (diameter 500 mm, 600 mm, 900 mm).


Price aluminum A7 1000 kg – 2100 $Price aluminum A99 1000 kg – 4234 $ If you make me a request, please indicate your contacts and e-mail address. Write in detail about your company and how much you want to buy. Terms of purchase and payment:1. To purchase products, your company must necessarily have a representative or agent in Russia.2. If you do not have a representative in Russia, please contact us and you will receive detailed information on how to find an agent or representative in Russia and conclude an agency contract for cooperation.After the conclusion of the agency contract, your agent will be able to purchase any products for you in Russia, for your money on the terms of the contract.3. Your company must pay all costs for purchasing, delivering to the port, processing customs documents, including the fee for the work of your agent in Russia.4. Terms of payment for products based on FOB; prepayment 100% T / T.


Price aluminum A7 1000 kg – 2100 $Price aluminum A99 1000 kg – 4234 $ If you make me a request, please indicate your contacts and e-mail address. Write in detail about your company and how much you want to buy. Terms of purchase and payment:1. To purchase products, your company must necessarily have a representative or agent in Russia.2. If you do not have a representative in Russia, please contact us and you will receive detailed information on how to find an agent or representative in Russia and conclude an agency contract for cooperation.After the conclusion of the agency contract, your agent will be able to purchase any products for you in Russia, for your money on the terms of the contract.3. Your company must pay all costs for purchasing, delivering to the port, processing customs documents, including the fee for the work of your agent in Russia.4. Terms of payment for products based on FOB; prepayment 100% T / T.


Price aluminum A7 1000 kg – 2100 $Price aluminum A99 1000 kg – 4234 $ If you make me a request, please indicate your contacts and e-mail address. Write in detail about your company and how much you want to buy. Terms of purchase and payment:1. To purchase products, your company must necessarily have a representative or agent in Russia.2. If you do not have a representative in Russia, please contact us and you will receive detailed information on how to find an agent or representative in Russia and conclude an agency contract for cooperation.After the conclusion of the agency contract, your agent will be able to purchase any products for you in Russia, for your money on the terms of the contract.3. Your company must pay all costs for purchasing, delivering to the port, processing customs documents, including the fee for the work of your agent in Russia.4. Terms of payment for products based on FOB; prepayment 100% T / T.

Universal enamel PF-115 "START"

Glossy alkyd weather-resistant for external and internal works GOST R 51691-2000. The enamel film is resistant to temperature changes from -50 ° C to + 60 ° C Retains protective properties for 4 years Retains decorative properties throughout the year For wood, metal, concrete, drywall, chipboard, plaster Types of surfaces: For wood, metal, concrete, drywall , Chipboard, on plaster. Surface preparation: The surfaces to be painted must be clean and dry. Metal surfaces are cleaned of rust and scale, degreased with a solvent (white spirit), covered with a primer (GF-021). Wooden surfaces are polished and polished. Previously painted surfaces are cleaned of old flaked coating and sanded. From fatty and other contaminants, the surface is washed with water and soap, washing powder or soda solution (1 tablespoon of soda per 1 liter of water). Surfaces previously covered with chalk or lime paints are cleaned until the old coating is completely removed. Application conditions: Before use, the enamel should be thoroughly mixed and, if necessary, diluted with a solvent, white spirit or their mixture in a 1: 1 ratio. To paint the product by spraying in an electric field, the enamel is diluted with RE-4V thinner. The enamel is applied by spraying or with a brush on a dry surface, previously cleaned of dust, grease, rust, scale, etc. Precautions: When carrying out painting work, as well as after they have finished, it is necessary to thoroughly ventilate the room. Use rubber gloves to protect your hands. Storage conditions: The enamel is stored in a tightly closed container, away from heating devices, electrical devices, food products, in places inaccessible to children, protected from moisture and direct sunlight. When stored at t below 0 ° C, before use, keep the enamel at room temperature for 24 hours and stir thoroughly. Disposal: empty jars and dried enamel residues are taken out to waste collection points. Keep away from fire! Those. specifications Characteristics Color 10 shades Type of dried layer colorless vapor-permeable "breathable" coating Composition alkyd varnish, titanium dioxide, desiccant, white spirit, fillers, functional. additives Solvent white spirit, solvent, or a mixture thereof in acc. 1: 1 Recommended application conditions in two layers at t above + 5 ° С Consumption for a single layer coating 2 kg / 14-20 m2, 0.8 kg / 5-8 m2 Drying time at t + 18-20 ° С and relative humidity 80% 24 hours Tools roller, brush, spray gun Cleaning of working tools rinse with white spirit or nefras C4-1500. Wipe brushes with a dry cloth Shelf life 24 months Packaging 0.8 kg, 2 kg, 20 kg, 50 kg

Delivery of crumb rubber up to 500 tons monthly

No. Specification US Mesh inches Microns 1 30 0.0232 595 182.62 40 0.0165 400 2303 60 0.0098 250 349.24 80 0.0070 177 603.25 100 0.0059 149 1000 • Container – polypropylene bags. Fields of application of crumb rubber Crumb rubber is the main product of used tires recycling and is in constant demand on the world market, exceeding supply. This is the most wear-resistant rubber raw material, has wide application: 1. Production of EcoStep safety rubber tiles. The rubber tile, made from the most wear-resistant rubber raw materials, has wear resistance, strength, shock-absorbing, shock-absorbing and orthopedic properties. The specific gravity of crumb rubber in the production of rubber tiles and paving stones is more than 80%, therefore, the quality and durability of rubber tiles directly depends on the quality and properties of crumb rubber. 2. Floor coverings for sports fields and facilities. Rubber crumb and polymer binders coatings for sports grounds, basketball, volleyball, badminton courts. Anti-slip and safe entry cover. In these types of coatings, crumb rubber is also used. The addition of crumb rubber obtained from the processing of tires makes the coatings more wear-resistant and practical, they have better plasticity, and they are durable. 3. Fillers for sports equipment. Crumb rubber is used as a filler for bags and punching bags. 4. Football fields with artificial turf are covered with rubber crumb from 1.0 to 2.5 mm. For example, filling a football field at a stadium requires up to 100 tons of crumbs of the same fraction. 5. Covering building material. This is a roofing material in the form of combining bitumen with polyurethane, from above it is poured with a composition of tiokol with the addition of fine refined rubber crumb. To carry out the whole range of works on the application of coatings on the roofs of residential and industrial buildings, various materials with the addition of crumb rubber are recommended for use: slopes (up to 90% of crumb rubber), sealing of seams (up to 50% of crumb rubber), sealing of joints (up to 70% of rubber crumb), directly coating (up to 50% of rubber crumb). The final, most resistant layer with the use of crumb rubber protects all underlying layers. 6. Structural fiber concrete. Metal and textile cord in a certain proportion is mixed with rubber crumb and added up to 50% to the dry cement-sand mixture. It is used for deep casting of foundations. Floor coverings and ladders, in places of heavy traffic. Polyurethane is mixed with 50% fine (fraction less than 3 mm) refined rubber crumb. It is used for both indoor and outdoor areas. Due to its properties, fiber-reinforced concrete is used in regions with harsh climatic conditions, including permafrost regions. 7. Finishing building material. Thiokol (polysulfide) system as standard material and chips (less than 1 mm) form a durable covering material, using both as a decoration and as a decorative wall material. 8. For road surface. Crumb rubber is used in the latest generation of road surfaces. A mixture of coarse rubber, metal cord and textile cord up to 50% by weight with mineral additives can be put into the road substrate. Further, the crumb – as a modifier of asphalt bitumen (chips less than 1.5 mm to 10% by volume), it is he who is the outer working layer of the roadway. The advantages are obvious: the physical and mechanical characteristics of the entire pavement are significantly improved (increased resistance to cracking and elasticity, as a result of which the frost resistance coefficient increases by 20-30%), which has a positive effect on the resource, the service life of the road pavement increases 2-3 times. Restoration of tires. Getting a regenerate. Up to 10% of the mass of crumb rubber obtained as a result of tire recycling can be used in the restoration and manufacture of new tires. For the manufacture of reclaim, rubber crumb of fraction up to 2 mm is mainly used. 10. For the manufacture of car parts. Bumpers, mud flaps, oil seals, floor mats, luggage compartment troughs, handles, etc. Small fraction rubber crumb is used as an additive in various automotive mastics. 11. Bridge coatings. When repairing bridges, joints are usually sealed with imported materials. The use of crumb rubber obtained as a result of tire processing in this direction will allow the use of 100% domestic materials, as a result of which the economy will be obtained on a national scale. Supports for main pipelines. When replacing existing supports located in permafrost areas, it is very beneficial to manufacture new concrete supports with the presence of crumb rubber. 13. Maintenance of oil and gas industries. For plugging oil wells during drilling, waterproofing green layers, for the manufacture of a sorbent for collecting oil and oil products from the surface of water and soil.

Delivery of crumb rubber up to 500 tons monthly

No. Specification US Mesh inches Microns 1 30 0.0232 595 182.62 40 0.0165 400 2303 60 0.0098 250 349.24 80 0.0070 177 603.25 100 0.0059 149 1000 • Container – polypropylene bags. Fields of application of crumb rubber Crumb rubber is the main product of used tires recycling and is in constant demand on the world market, exceeding supply. This is the most wear-resistant rubber raw material, has wide application: 1. Production of EcoStep safety rubber tiles. The rubber tile, made from the most wear-resistant rubber raw materials, has wear resistance, strength, shock-absorbing, shock-absorbing and orthopedic properties. The specific gravity of crumb rubber in the production of rubber tiles and paving stones is more than 80%, therefore, the quality and durability of rubber tiles directly depends on the quality and properties of crumb rubber. 2. Floor coverings for sports fields and facilities. Rubber crumb and polymer binders coatings for sports grounds, basketball, volleyball, badminton courts. Anti-slip and safe entry cover. In these types of coatings, crumb rubber is also used. The addition of crumb rubber obtained from the processing of tires makes the coatings more wear-resistant and practical, they have better plasticity, and they are durable. 3. Fillers for sports equipment. Crumb rubber is used as a filler for bags and punching bags. 4. Football fields with artificial turf are covered with rubber crumb from 1.0 to 2.5 mm. For example, filling a football field at a stadium requires up to 100 tons of crumbs of the same fraction. 5. Covering building material. This is a roofing material in the form of combining bitumen with polyurethane, from above it is poured with a composition of tiokol with the addition of fine refined rubber crumb. To carry out the whole range of works on the application of coatings on the roofs of residential and industrial buildings, various materials with the addition of crumb rubber are recommended for use: slopes (up to 90% of crumb rubber), sealing of seams (up to 50% of crumb rubber), sealing of joints (up to 70% of rubber crumb), directly coating (up to 50% of rubber crumb). The final, most resistant layer with the use of crumb rubber protects all underlying layers. 6. Structural fiber concrete. Metal and textile cord in a certain proportion is mixed with rubber crumb and added up to 50% to the dry cement-sand mixture. It is used for deep casting of foundations. Floor coverings and ladders, in places of heavy traffic. Polyurethane is mixed with 50% fine (fraction less than 3 mm) refined rubber crumb. It is used for both indoor and outdoor areas. Due to its properties, fiber-reinforced concrete is used in regions with harsh climatic conditions, including permafrost regions. 7. Finishing building material. Thiokol (polysulfide) system as standard material and chips (less than 1 mm) form a durable covering material, using both as a decoration and as a decorative wall material. 8. For road surface. Crumb rubber is used in the latest generation of road surfaces. A mixture of coarse rubber, metal cord and textile cord up to 50% by weight with mineral additives can be put into the road substrate. Further, the crumb – as a modifier of asphalt bitumen (chips less than 1.5 mm to 10% by volume), it is he who is the outer working layer of the roadway. The advantages are obvious: the physical and mechanical characteristics of the entire pavement are significantly improved (increased resistance to cracking and elasticity, as a result of which the frost resistance coefficient increases by 20-30%), which has a positive effect on the resource, the service life of the road pavement increases 2-3 times. Restoration of tires. Getting a regenerate. Up to 10% of the mass of crumb rubber obtained as a result of tire recycling can be used in the restoration and manufacture of new tires. For the manufacture of reclaim, rubber crumb of fraction up to 2 mm is mainly used. 10. For the manufacture of car parts. Bumpers, mud flaps, oil seals, floor mats, luggage compartment troughs, handles, etc. Small fraction rubber crumb is used as an additive in various automotive mastics. 11. Bridge coatings. When repairing bridges, joints are usually sealed with imported materials. The use of crumb rubber obtained as a result of tire processing in this direction will allow the use of 100% domestic materials, as a result of which the economy will be obtained on a national scale. Supports for main pipelines. When replacing existing supports located in permafrost areas, it is very beneficial to manufacture new concrete supports with the presence of crumb rubber. 13. Maintenance of oil and gas industries. For plugging oil wells during drilling, waterproofing green layers, for the manufacture of a sorbent for collecting oil and oil products from the surface of water and soil.

Delivery of crumb rubber up to 500 tons monthly

No. Specification US Mesh inches Microns 1 30 0.0232 595 182.62 40 0.0165 400 2303 60 0.0098 250 349.24 80 0.0070 177 603.25 100 0.0059 149 1000 • Container – polypropylene bags. Fields of application of crumb rubber Crumb rubber is the main product of used tires recycling and is in constant demand on the world market, exceeding supply. This is the most wear-resistant rubber raw material, has wide application: 1. Production of EcoStep safety rubber tiles. The rubber tile, made from the most wear-resistant rubber raw materials, has wear resistance, strength, shock-absorbing, shock-absorbing and orthopedic properties. The specific gravity of crumb rubber in the production of rubber tiles and paving stones is more than 80%, therefore, the quality and durability of rubber tiles directly depends on the quality and properties of crumb rubber. 2. Floor coverings for sports fields and facilities. Rubber crumb and polymer binders coatings for sports grounds, basketball, volleyball, badminton courts. Anti-slip and safe entry cover. In these types of coatings, crumb rubber is also used. The addition of crumb rubber obtained from the processing of tires makes the coatings more wear-resistant and practical, they have better plasticity, and they are durable. 3. Fillers for sports equipment. Crumb rubber is used as a filler for bags and punching bags. 4. Football fields with artificial turf are covered with rubber crumb from 1.0 to 2.5 mm. For example, filling a football field at a stadium requires up to 100 tons of crumbs of the same fraction. 5. Covering building material. This is a roofing material in the form of combining bitumen with polyurethane, from above it is poured with a composition of tiokol with the addition of fine refined rubber crumb. To carry out the whole range of works on the application of coatings on the roofs of residential and industrial buildings, various materials with the addition of crumb rubber are recommended for use: slopes (up to 90% of crumb rubber), sealing of seams (up to 50% of crumb rubber), sealing of joints (up to 70% of rubber crumb), directly coating (up to 50% of rubber crumb). The final, most resistant layer with the use of crumb rubber protects all underlying layers. 6. Structural fiber concrete. Metal and textile cord in a certain proportion is mixed with rubber crumb and added up to 50% to the dry cement-sand mixture. It is used for deep casting of foundations. Floor coverings and ladders, in places of heavy traffic. Polyurethane is mixed with 50% fine (fraction less than 3 mm) refined rubber crumb. It is used for both indoor and outdoor areas. Due to its properties, fiber-reinforced concrete is used in regions with harsh climatic conditions, including permafrost regions. 7. Finishing building material. Thiokol (polysulfide) system as standard material and chips (less than 1 mm) form a durable covering material, using both as a decoration and as a decorative wall material. 8. For road surface. Crumb rubber is used in the latest generation of road surfaces. A mixture of coarse rubber, metal cord and textile cord up to 50% by weight with mineral additives can be put into the road substrate. Further, the crumb – as a modifier of asphalt bitumen (chips less than 1.5 mm to 10% by volume), it is he who is the outer working layer of the roadway. The advantages are obvious: the physical and mechanical characteristics of the entire pavement are significantly improved (increased resistance to cracking and elasticity, as a result of which the frost resistance coefficient increases by 20-30%), which has a positive effect on the resource, the service life of the road pavement increases 2-3 times. Restoration of tires. Getting a regenerate. Up to 10% of the mass of crumb rubber obtained as a result of tire recycling can be used in the restoration and manufacture of new tires. For the manufacture of reclaim, rubber crumb of fraction up to 2 mm is mainly used. 10. For the manufacture of car parts. Bumpers, mud flaps, oil seals, floor mats, luggage compartment troughs, handles, etc. Small fraction rubber crumb is used as an additive in various automotive mastics. 11. Bridge coatings. When repairing bridges, joints are usually sealed with imported materials. The use of crumb rubber obtained as a result of tire processing in this direction will allow the use of 100% domestic materials, as a result of which the economy will be obtained on a national scale. Supports for main pipelines. When replacing existing supports located in permafrost areas, it is very beneficial to manufacture new concrete supports with the presence of crumb rubber. 13. Maintenance of oil and gas industries. For plugging oil wells during drilling, waterproofing green layers, for the manufacture of a sorbent for collecting oil and oil products from the surface of water and soil.

Delivery of crumb rubber up to 500 tons monthly

No. Specification US Mesh inches Microns 1 30 0.0232 595 182.62 40 0.0165 400 2303 60 0.0098 250 349.24 80 0.0070 177 603.25 100 0.0059 149 1000 • Container – polypropylene bags. Fields of application of crumb rubber Crumb rubber is the main product of used tires recycling and is in constant demand on the world market, exceeding supply. This is the most wear-resistant rubber raw material, has wide application: 1. Production of EcoStep safety rubber tiles. The rubber tile, made from the most wear-resistant rubber raw materials, has wear resistance, strength, shock-absorbing, shock-absorbing and orthopedic properties. The specific gravity of crumb rubber in the production of rubber tiles and paving stones is more than 80%, therefore, the quality and durability of rubber tiles directly depends on the quality and properties of crumb rubber. 2. Floor coverings for sports fields and facilities. Rubber crumb and polymer binders coatings for sports grounds, basketball, volleyball, badminton courts. Anti-slip and safe entry cover. In these types of coatings, crumb rubber is also used. The addition of crumb rubber obtained from the processing of tires makes the coatings more wear-resistant and practical, they have better plasticity, and they are durable. 3. Fillers for sports equipment. Crumb rubber is used as a filler for bags and punching bags. 4. Football fields with artificial turf are covered with rubber crumb from 1.0 to 2.5 mm. For example, filling a football field at a stadium requires up to 100 tons of crumbs of the same fraction. 5. Covering building material. This is a roofing material in the form of combining bitumen with polyurethane, from above it is poured with a composition of tiokol with the addition of fine refined rubber crumb. To carry out the whole range of works on the application of coatings on the roofs of residential and industrial buildings, various materials with the addition of crumb rubber are recommended for use: slopes (up to 90% of crumb rubber), sealing of seams (up to 50% of crumb rubber), sealing of joints (up to 70% of rubber crumb), directly coating (up to 50% of rubber crumb). The final, most resistant layer with the use of crumb rubber protects all underlying layers. 6. Structural fiber concrete. Metal and textile cord in a certain proportion is mixed with rubber crumb and added up to 50% to the dry cement-sand mixture. It is used for deep casting of foundations. Floor coverings and ladders, in places of heavy traffic. Polyurethane is mixed with 50% fine (fraction less than 3 mm) refined rubber crumb. It is used for both indoor and outdoor areas. Due to its properties, fiber-reinforced concrete is used in regions with harsh climatic conditions, including permafrost regions. 7. Finishing building material. Thiokol (polysulfide) system as standard material and chips (less than 1 mm) form a durable covering material, using both as a decoration and as a decorative wall material. 8. For road surface. Crumb rubber is used in the latest generation of road surfaces. A mixture of coarse rubber, metal cord and textile cord up to 50% by weight with mineral additives can be put into the road substrate. Further, the crumb – as a modifier of asphalt bitumen (chips less than 1.5 mm to 10% by volume), it is he who is the outer working layer of the roadway. The advantages are obvious: the physical and mechanical characteristics of the entire pavement are significantly improved (increased resistance to cracking and elasticity, as a result of which the frost resistance coefficient increases by 20-30%), which has a positive effect on the resource, the service life of the road pavement increases 2-3 times. Restoration of tires. Getting a regenerate. Up to 10% of the mass of crumb rubber obtained as a result of tire recycling can be used in the restoration and manufacture of new tires. For the manufacture of reclaim, rubber crumb of fraction up to 2 mm is mainly used. 10. For the manufacture of car parts. Bumpers, mud flaps, oil seals, floor mats, luggage compartment troughs, handles, etc. Small fraction rubber crumb is used as an additive in various automotive mastics. 11. Bridge coatings. When repairing bridges, joints are usually sealed with imported materials. The use of crumb rubber obtained as a result of tire processing in this direction will allow the use of 100% domestic materials, as a result of which the economy will be obtained on a national scale. Supports for main pipelines. When replacing existing supports located in permafrost areas, it is very beneficial to manufacture new concrete supports with the presence of crumb rubber. 13. Maintenance of oil and gas industries. For plugging oil wells during drilling, waterproofing green layers, for the manufacture of a sorbent for collecting oil and oil products from the surface of water and soil.

Sheet 170 mm

Sheet 170x1600x1780mm, steel 45 – 3.99 t; Sheet 170x1900x1460mm, steel 20 – 3.862 t; Sheet 170x2000x2400mm, steel 45 – 6.586 t; Sheet 170x2000x4000mm, steel 20 – 54.890 t; DELIVERY throughout Russia, EXPORT … Prompt and complete information on availability, prices, conditions and terms of shipment by phone of the sales department: +7 (343) 268-7815, +7 (950) 208-1282, +7 (904) 178-4756, +7 (902) 255-6262 WhatsApp and Viber, +7 (343) 213-1014 WORKING HOURS: Mon – Fri: from 05:30 to 16:00 Moscow time, outside of business hours send a request to E-mail: [email protected], you will definitely be answered.

Industrial explosives

1. Emulast AS-25P is an industrial explosive in a polymer sheath. Designed for the formation of borehole charges on the earth's surface in ores and rocks of any strength, including sulfide-containing ones, with manual loading of dry, drained and watered wells of any degree of water cut in the temperature range from minus 50 degrees Celsius to plus 50 degrees Celsius. 2. T-400G compressed hydro-insulated TNT checkers. They are used as intermediate detonators to initiate borehole and other charges of insensitive industrial explosives in open pit mining, as well as explosives under appropriate conditions in open pit mines. 3. LVV-11-1 charges in the form of ribbons, formed from an elastic composition. They are used for hardening metals by explosion on an open day surface, including for hardening switches, excavator bucket teeth, crushing plates. 4. Blocks (charges) pressed TNT in a polymer case. Designed for industrial blasting operations in dry flooded wells during seismic exploration and outdoor temperatures from minus 50 degrees Celsius to plus 50 degrees Celsius. Those. specifications 1.TU 7276-077-00173769-20102. OST 84-411-803. TU 2292-008-07611703-934. TU 7276-027-07511703-97

Polymer containers

Polymer containers of JSC "NZIV" are: laconic and modern appearance, surface quality, package tightness, stacking strength, strength of handles and fasteners, chemical resistance, frost resistance and heat resistance in accordance with GOST. Those. specifications TU 2297-071-07511703-2013

Spring centralizer- CentroGUARD Weld

The CentroGUARD Weld spring centralizer is a casing centralizer used in the oil industry during well construction, and is designed to cement the casing in the wellbore and reduce the friction coefficient during running the casing. 2. The product is designed to be installed on a casing string while running into a well. The equipment cannot be used for other purposes. 3. The product can be used in vertical, horizontal and directional wells. 4. The product is manufactured in accordance with the production regulations established for this type of equipment. 5. The manufacturer reserves the right, without prior notice, to make changes to the centralizer design that do not impair its performance. 6. The centralizer is manufactured according to TU 366326-001-03838956-2018.7. Centralizers, selectively from a batch, undergo final quality control in accordance with International Quality Standards ISO 10427-1: 2001. The CentroGUARD Weld spring centralizer is a casing centralizer used in the oil industry during well construction, and is designed to cement the casing in the wellbore and reduce the friction coefficient during running the casing. 2. The product is designed to be installed on a casing string while running into a well. The equipment cannot be used for other purposes. 3. The product can be used in vertical, horizontal and directional wells.